mta-espresso<S>espresso.wprost. pi 9 października 2014 14:56 wydział.śledczy (§> WARNING: delayed mail.
details.txt; ATT00012.txt
(464 B) ATT00012.txt (2
^ ii a delivexry status ńotification fron espresso. wprost. pl, running the courier server, vorsion 0.65.0.
atoriginal mes sagę was reęeived on Thu, 09 Oct 2014 10 z 56 s 14 +0200 from ( [ * t ff ff : ] )
te delivery o£ the following E-mail message has been delayed • This is an advisory Ktice only; lt is sent only to notify you ab out a temporary delay in delivering yout isuge. You DO NOT need to do anything at this time.
Wditional attempts to deliver your message will be madę. Sonę possible reasons for dis delfty:
•Network congestion or failure.
• The destination mail server is temporarily off-linę.
lugnostic Information is provided be Iow for each recipient. I f copies of this nssage wora sent to additional recipients # deliveries to those addresses are not racluded in this notice. This is an advisory notice for the following addresses onlyi
reiakc ja0wproś t - pl> :
«< naildrops faaildir over guota.
Ifyoor message was also sent to additional recipients, their delivery status is not ccioded in this report. You may or may not receive other delivery status seUfications for additional recipients.
original message follows as a separata attachment.