DSC00902 (9)

DSC00902 (9)

Tests for module 1

CSTboracic vertebrae are distinguished by the presence of: (UMsnCu.lćł*'    ^    ^

^ Which of the following is not characteństic of lordosis of the vertebral coliimn?‘^^^s^A, 0CervicaJ vertebrae are distinguished by the presence of: -fc-vQ,visvG"C»e \ovawuwi2 o /ffiĄt child 10-year-old was spina! hemia in the area of 12“ thoracic vertebra exposed. Of what anatomie structure did the deft result in hemiation of spinał eord?0't$ą's ^^Patient 25-year-old grumbles about the pain in lumbar region. At x-ray examination there was defect found of fusion of arches of 3" and 4* lumbar vertebrae. Name this developmental malformation. At2.    v*\TiQ—



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patient there was exposed the fiat type of thorax. For what body type is this type of thorax characteństic? iow o

t man, as a result of blo w in the area of the lower angle of scapula the fractureś of the ribs had happened. Which ribs were damaged?    T"

The clinical anatomy of spondylolisthesis involves anterior displacement of the body of 5m lumbar vertebra reianve to the sacrum, but the lamina, articular processes and spinous process of this vertebra retain their position relative to the sacrum. What adult element of this rtebral unit is most likely to be dysfunctional in this clinical picture?

9}To the neurologist the patient has appealed with complaints about the generał weakness nd pain in bones. Reduction in trophic function of neural system was set What phenomenon in the bony ńssue might take place? OStSOfO^OS1^

Which of the following is not one of the parts of the temporal bonę?    pC*T

facia! ńerve passes through the foramen: SlU0VvtClSt0tC^6iav\

12. The mandibular fossa is located in which part ofthe temporal bonę?

JThe sta gaili is a structural feature of which bonę?

Which is the most prominent of the six fontanels? .Ołd&nO'*'

Which of the following statements for the hard palate is false?    —-I

*=o .In patient, a purulent maxillary sinusitis was diagnosed. A pus from maxillary sinus drains into:    WGOtPM*

17.1n 3-year-oid child the anterior fontanelle remains opened. What is optimal term for its closure? 2 jjŚEMs

1Jfein patiem, a pus is accumulated within infratemporal fossa. Which of the following openings it might be spread into orbit through?    c'Cl

19. The foramen rotundum occurs in:    i kXX\&

20. The carotid canal occurs in:    ... ^ 21.In patient, a purulent frontitis was diagnosed. A pus from frontal sinus drains into:

22.1n patient, the fracture of base of skuli have been occurred. The linę of fracture passes through foramen spinosus and foramen ovale. What cranial bonę is injured?    ęc»>t

-H®.' The child 5-year-old was brought to hospital with purulent otitis. The disease began from the inflammation of nasopharynx. What canal of temporal bonę the infection has spread i£g£ough?    T &    .    .    , .

—^4.What bones of the skuli developmentally are mixed?    it    >(’    1 4 (•€

'■^25 On the x-ray image of the pelvis of newbom the thfee disunct bones are marked, which are separated by cartilage in area of acetabulum. These bones are: uUł,

-f^A child was brought to traumatology with trauma of right upper limb. On the x-ray image rthe fracture of distal part of forearm bones was exposed, and also the absence of centers of ossification in trapezium and trapezoid. What age do these centers appear at? ($


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