DSC00905 (13)

DSC00905 (13)

82-After a trauma of shoulder in the area of lcsscr tubcrcle of humerus a puticnt grumbles about impossibiliiy to inncr rotation of ujm. Damugc of which musclcs was happened?    .Sttb*M2|uU2«vJ,    <fAd\or

83.ln patient, the dislocation of shoulder joint with displacemcnt of the head of humerus upward and forward was diagnosed. Which muscle tcndon most likcly might be damaged? ' 'vA*^    i

84 At gunshot wound of anterior wali of axillary cavity which of the following musclcs might be injured?

^pn woman. who has prickled a little fmger of left hand, on next day a red and edema appeared and spread on palm and distal area of forearm. Tę what synovial vagina did the inflammation spread?    3

8ó.The man 38-year-old with trauma of left palm nas applied to traumatologist. It is set at inspection: sword-cut of the thenar region, distal phalaiw of the thumb cannot to flex. Which of the following muscles was injured? •wAsctuui SlA patient with damage of ulnar nerve cannot lead 2nd and 5lh fingers to midjine.

Function of which muscles is lost? £%$ cuA^    f1- \'r Uvi 1 n n. ,,

SS.The 43-year-old man has applied to traumatologist with sword-cut of the dorsal surface in the area of thumb. It is set at inspection: distal phalanx of the thumb cannot extend. Which of the following muscles was injured? '^ewlua §9.The tuber ishiadicum gives origin to following muscles, exccpt; (

^^Whicfe of the following structures is formed by lamina of fascia lata, in part by ,    , v.., _ •

aponeurosis of gluteus maximus muscle and is attached to lateral condyle of tibia? M\l.CftM    j

91.A patiem with sword-cut wound below the inguinal ligament was directed to sergion. Objecmely: trauma of muscle, which enters the thigh through lacuna muscuiorum; flexion of thigh is painful and limited. Which of the following muscles was injured?

92_A muscle diviaing the foramen ischiadicum majus into upper and lower parts is:    ' (Sy p?v,l,

93.    While examining 2 person after a sport trauma, the physician has noted a fracturct* J ;c of malleolus medialis. Tendons of which muscles might be injured?

94. The superficia! ring of femoral canal corresponds to: H‘Cfcfo\a Sxp'vevkw

95. During operation in woman with femoral hemia the lateral wali of femoral rirjg

was injured. Which of the following anatomical structures was injured?    J\:m»■ J

96. As a result of fractured tibia one of anterior muscles of leg was datpaged. Of which , .

of the following muscles will be function lose?    •:    , V*

97. The patient has applied to traumatologist with trauma of leg, which he got on '

sporuśg competition. At examination it was set the damage of posterior muscle,, tendon of which is attached to calcaneus. This is:    '*> * / |

98. A canal leading from thigh to popliteal fossa is:    < isud,

99. A patient with femoral nerve neuritis cannot llex a thigh at hip joint and extend u .

leg at knee joint. Of which of the following muscles is a function lost?    ,

100. As a result of sword-cut trauma of back side of thigh the patient cunnot llex the

leg- Which of the following muscles might be injured?401" {• I ''•••" •, J t; Ł V ‘' *' "',;I -

101. A patient with sword-cut of middle of righl sole has applied to traumatologist. At

inspection it was set. damage of tendon in wound, limitatiun of cievotion of lateral , edgeof foot. Of which muscle a tendon was injured?    WwŁuj .    ' “••‘•'l

102. At sportsman a laceration of Achilles tendon was happened. Which of the

following muscles was damaged?    »H«-, yl*.

103. While examming a sportsman with tennis injury the physician has noted a

fracture of lateral malleolus. Of which muscles a tendons might be injured? l.lTWbł.i    (f i    t


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