DSC01142 (7)

DSC01142 (7)



CMO 0 *DATA (n-1)


HK 1

a*ir Is2 wordsfrom: addjessOIH



Stert character (3AH)





l RC CHK 0

Ib 1    Er>d characters: EN Dl


wi 'T^;vn tt' rnomory wNni param

%■ s#*e- -w**    rtrncwa pow from fm d?

IN* ars* m Hn’** th* n*w    ha rw

£. *fl**łpta* v* jw»^X9i ut> $>+ »ńńm^* it»'—* *1



Communtcation Communicałion addmss i$ 01 Address is 01

fcation ProtocoJ

^ł*’v"‘,'^w Dna Frame

Ccnmynication address: 8-bit address consists of 2 ASCII codęs

- Command codę: 8-bit command consists of 2 ASCII codes

Contents of data:

nx8-b:t data consist of 2n ASCII codes. n<=25. maximum of 50 ASCII codes

LRC cbeck sum: 8-bit check sum consists of 2 ASCII codes

ADR fComrrtunication Address)

v'ató commumcation addresses are in the rangę of 1 to m o,

roadcas: tc atl AC dmtes. In this case, the AMD will not    “™cabon«}uai to o. means

CMC Command codę) and DATA (data characters)    P Y y messa9e to the master dev»ce.

~he format of data characters depends on the command codę The =>. ,

*«nHbed as followed.    ™ cofle The a^atlable command codes are

Comniand codę: 03K read N wordsTfhS"    fComSSSd—75----

~i»vimum value of Nts 12. For example, reading l For example wrfting 6000 ii770H> hh

5 «'°rds tom startmg address 2102H    | 2001H of AMD w,th%dress 01H    *


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