DSC01143 (4)

DSC01143 (4)




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•<?r by 0?° S*“-v.h f; *rid 7 PmgrAWmirtg om Ofty DA dor>#

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wtasr* ttto AC clrta« « <r stocoerf mod*

OIP sswAc^- seffllngi, ter oor»ot

#    •;_•'■■ •-"'• ' **$    ::••••    ■• ;    ??•>«<•» front pan**. or ft*t*mat tormirjaK .‘teł 0*P twifnh

* ^ -;,c z *** A C •£"*** fronr oetfto aonfro* and ON tor tKtoenal ?©rmm«ri contro!

♦    l'-* S*">.:*' " w^ar-“ -:-gęę. # com* * t?cał or / .a P$-4$5 communicafjon Wh#n 0*P Swrtch 7 «& OPft

AC ®r*m fror* p*n«* er eKtorael isr**n«H contro* tf>« dńv*

■ -v-    .wi-w-; ■-.-•• • ;i **$-*$5 :•■:•" -nur v«or. *••■: n»ma*n ?n fnemocy. Us*rn can still read tfte matu*

or .AC jr«t -ma *IS-4&5 aonrxaracafeoni but caonoł send any contro* commands

iVh*r DtPS*' * ' TN ."*e : * >« s acrbriled by RS-465 cornmunicaflion. Pfease v*r!fy tft*AC drtv* is "... * s^rcc^r rrcr t: b,~“ 0** S*r:.~ ~ ON ^ DfP Sw«fccb 7 « tumed ON during operatlon, th« arror LEO w* tojwwatoa _ _

Corrputer Cortx*$

E~:r VFD-Ł AC Oń* ~as. 3 pn^as®ęr«c cor^r-jmcaticn address specified by DIP Switch pins 1 to 6 Re-śer :: *Ne oescrcccn :• sabnę jp amss *Q-Ł f>pe Communicatfon agreemant Modbus ASCII -TOde :■-ro«cd <T A 2> 5a.„c ~r* 96CC The Computer then Controls each AC Drive accordmg to ita adcness

♦ ASO' SdDoes.

Earr S-bt dato « « aawt^zber of r^j ASC: cbaracters For exampłe. a 1-byte data: 64 H©x. shown as







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isOFF'to^8P0*er -° "*50ramunicafcn adaress    fe dnve Is 0008H, (his te address

rs OH P0*«r .c r« address swfings are determined by me ON/nPF ^ ...

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f^cias SOI rena* r -srcr. -ber me oonorol modę changes to AC drive panel •    •



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