DSC01144 (4)

DSC01144 (4)

Swłtch S«>tt«n9 D#*ęnpHon*

'■*"*    Sw$tb*& eun onty br .• h*?t<j*d wNm AC. dnv# i* m * utop*mi mpd#

* min th<s patiem of tb# *w?tc.h (0HtOFf)

Swteh S^tttng

M^nomum Output \ rn^n#m;y

■ «

1 2 3 4 *■ £■




mm m



■wm m


% ■


i ; ; 4 5 e ’

m m

Raversw* enabie


1 2 5 4 5 6 ?


ON ■ m

Reverse dtsable

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ;

■ ■

Iow torque output

! Torque

1 2 3 4 59 7


ON ■

High torgue output

Applicable for 40/100W motor

onu:; i _ u

\ Electronic ■    1 234 5 o 7

Thermat ÓNp-TTjml

i Setting    ■

U T2 34 6 6_7]

Operation    ■■

j Command 1 2 3 4 66/

6    , source ,ON;    M

' Seiect (1)    -12 3 4 5 6 7

Com/minca ******1ma **■**.<Wb AC 0,

&&***& mn

+ 0iPBmirttt

$ tamte,

♦ 0P*|fcf!?

fcfAC dnv#i *<*» Temtmmm &#**€<#

MwfiOłPSwttcfi My    pnor

wrf? fomnato

Computer Contn

£ae* VFO-lACDti ■:R*tfar fo m (tescrij moó*. protocoi <7, i aommumtaOcfl addi

♦ ASCII Modus Eacfr B-błf data w tfu 64 ,n ASCII, conmt jcbmctt ASCII co CharacW ■ASCII ccx

* Data Format

10-bit ctiaractor fraino

Operation Commancl7    Source

Seiect (2)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Applicable for 25/60W motor

Operation commancl controlled by potentiomater

Operation command controlled by external terminal

Operation command controlled by ext©rnal terminal j

(can be monitored by communlcation modę)

Switch 7 is ON, indicates the communlcation modę ifc : enabled; switches 1 to 6 are addross sottings.

AC Drive Addresse; VFD-L.«^“^0Urn:



pjp Switches 1 to 6.

(A) TW




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