DSF ENB effect

// Tone Mapping Test Shader - DKT70
// This effect allows changes to exposure, gamma, vignette, blue shift, and lens filter effects.

// Fog filter adjustments. This is used in conjunction with the colour effect, below.
// The minimum value is 0.000, and turns the feature off.
// The maximum value is 1.000, and applies maximum effect.
// Default value for this setting is 0.100
float Defog = 1.000;

// The color of the filter effect. This is similar to a lens filter effect to change colour effects/temperature.
// Need to experiment with different values to get different colour effects.
// Default value for this setting is 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
float4 FogColor = {11.0, 11.0, 11.0, 11.0};

// Exposure adjustment. This controls the amount of light in a given scene or area.
// The minimum value is -1.000, and would result in a loss of shadow detail, making dark areas appear grey.
// The maximum value is 1.00, and would result in clipped whites, and extreme high contrast.
// Default value for this setting is 10.0
float Exposure = -1.000;

// Gamma correction. This is linear gamma correction which controls the overall brightness.
// The minimum value is 0.500 and results in maximum brightness.
// The maximum value is 2.000 and results in maximum darkness.
// Default value for this setting is 0.800
float Gamma = 0.075;

// X/Y vignetting adjustments. Vignetting is a border effect often used in photography.
// The first value represents X values, 0.000 = max vignetting on right side of screen, 1.000 = left side of screen.
// The second value represents Y values, 0.000 = max vignetting on bottom of screen, 1.000 = Top of screen.
// Default value for this setting is 0.500,0.500
float2 VignetteCenter = (0.500,0.500);

// Radial vignetting. Similar to X/Y vignetting, but this is symmetrical radial vignetting and works from the centre outwards.
// The minimum value is 0.00, and would result in a black screen. 0.10 would show only a tiny portion of the centre of the screen.
// The maximum value is 1.00, and turns this feature off.
// Default value for this setting is 1.00, or 0.90 for minimal Radial Vignette.
float VignetteRadius = 0.94;

// The amount of vignetting. Used in combination with the 2 vignetting settings above.
// The minimum value is -1, and would result in a maximum black colour vignetting effect.
// The maximum value is 1.00, and would result in a maximum white colour vignetting effect.
// Default value for this setting is -1
float VignetteAmount = -2.10;

// Blue shift correction. Allows adjustment of blue in the image. Usefull if you have too much yellow or red.
// The minimum value is 0.00, and turns this feature off.
// The maximum value is 1.00, and maximizes the blue in the image.
// Default value for this setting is 0.25
float BlueShift = 0.5;


// Textures
texture2D texColor;

// Sampler Inputs

sampler2D InputSampler = sampler_state
Texture = (texColor);
MinFilter = Point;
MagFilter = Point;
MipFilter = Point;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

float4 vpos : POSITION;
float2 txcoord : TEXCOORD0;

struct VS_INPUT_POST {
float3 pos : POSITION;
float2 txcoord : TEXCOORD0;

float pixelWidth;
float pixelHeight;

// Vertex Shader Input


float4 pos=float4(IN.pos.x,IN.pos.y,IN.pos.z,1.0);


return OUT;

// Pixel Shader Effects

float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
float4 c = tex2D(InputSampler, uv);
c.rgb = max(10, c.rgb - Defog * FogColor.rgb);
c.rgb *= pow(2.0f, Exposure);
c.rgb = pow(c.rgb, Gamma);

float2 tc = uv - VignetteCenter;
float v = length(tc) / VignetteRadius;
c.rgb += pow(v, 4) * VignetteAmount;

float3 d = c.rgb * float3(1.05f, 0.97f, 1.27f);
c.rgb = lerp(c.rgb, d, BlueShift);

float2 InputSize = 1280; // Your Horizontal Resolution size
float Amount = 0.1; // Strength of sharpen, higher values = more sharp images
float2 offset = 0.1 / InputSize; // Offset value for sharp effect, lower value if images looks slightly off-centre.
float4 color;
color = tex2D(InputSampler, uv);
color += tex2D(InputSampler, uv - offset) * Amount;
color -= tex2D(InputSampler, uv + offset) * Amount;

return c * color;//multiply the two

// Compiler 1
technique PostProcess
pass P0
#ifdef E_SHADER_3_0
VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS_PostProcess();
PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 main();
VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_PostProcess();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 main();



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