GREGG TAVOLO DESIGN LUDOVICA+ROBERTO PALOMBA/2007 A table lamp in satinised free-blown glass, available in three sizes. An organic, elegant and familiar shape that does not use pure geometry as its point of reference. Gregg grande Bianco Certifications BULBS BULBS (120 V) fluorescent energy saving 1x20W E27 1x23W E26 medium with dimmer with dimmer halogen halogen 1x205W E27 energy saver 1x150W E26 medium type T10 shielded frosted with dimmer with dimmer Gregg media Bianco Certifications BULBS BULBS (120 V) COMPATIBILI halogen halogen energy saving 1x150W E27 1x100W E26 medium type T10 shielded frosted 1x23W E26 medium with dimmer with dimmer with dimmer fluorescent 1x20W E27 with dimmer Gregg piccola Bianco Certifications BULBS BULBS (120 V) halogen halogen 1x25W G9 1x25W G9 type T4 Bi-Pin with dimmer halogen 1x20W G9 energy saver with dimmer