construction iteration 770E29E0

Capability Pattern: Construction Iteration

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Capability Pattern: Construction Iteration

This is an example Construction Phase iteration. It includes the activities typically performed during a single iteration in the construction phase. The goal of the construction phase is clarifying the remaining requirements and completing the development of the system based upon the baselined architecture. The construction phase is in some sense a manufacturing process, where emphasis is placed on managing resources and controlling operations to optimize costs, schedules, and quality. In this sense the management mindset undergoes a transition from the development of intellectual property during inception and elaboration, to the development of deployable products during construction and transition.

DescriptionWork Breakdown StructureTeam AllocationWork Product Usage

Team Breakdown = {
title: "Team Breakdown", summary: "Team Breakdown",
columns: [
["presentation_name", "Breakdown Element"],
["model_info", "Model Info"],
["teams", "Team"],
["type", "Type"],
["is_planned", "Planned"],
["has_multiple_occurrences", "Multiple Occurrences"],
["is_optional", "Optional"]],
rows: [

{id: "b6c443f2", parentId: "", relPath: ",_CbJenhi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_any_role", title: "Any Role", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_any_role_AEB90F69.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Role",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "7acdf744", parentId: "b6c443f2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_change_request", title: "Change Request", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_change_request_6103690C.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "eaff7630", parentId: "b6c443f2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "submit_change_request", title: "Submit Change Request", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/submit_change_request_393BB55C.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "cb4cebb0", parentId: "", relPath: ",_CbJekRi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_change_manager", title: "Change Control Manager", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_change_manager_726A54F6.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Role",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "7da1b882", parentId: "cb4cebb0", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_change_request", title: "Change Request", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_change_request_6103690C.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "f37ddd6", parentId: "cb4cebb0", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_change_request", title: "Change Request", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_change_request_6103690C.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "767e7c7e", parentId: "cb4cebb0", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "confirm_duplicate_or_rejected_cr", title: "Confirm Duplicate or Rejected CR", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/confirm_duplicate_or_rejected_cr_94FB346A.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "df0f7baa", parentId: "cb4cebb0", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "review_change_request", title: "Review Change Requests", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/review_change_request_A7FF7087.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "a99eab94", parentId: "", relPath: ",_b2dRgEodEdqrjq4i3fchvA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_configuration_manager", title: "Configuration Manager", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_configuration_manager_1687AD0F.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Role",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "e8ba2b5e", parentId: "a99eab94", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_project_repository", title: "Project Repository", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_project_repository_1B38CC3E.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "8b9e3cfc", parentId: "", relPath: ",_pOsigTbYEdqdbfmtFQj8qA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_database_designer", title: "Database Designer", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_database_designer_B5A44B1E.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Role",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "da49cb28", parentId: "8b9e3cfc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_data_model", title: "Data Model", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_data_model_A43D5F34.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "c7294746", parentId: "8b9e3cfc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_data_model", title: "Data Model", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_data_model_A43D5F34.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "ff5f62c0", parentId: "8b9e3cfc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "database_design", title: "Database Design", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/database_design_5998D016.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "ca26f0b2", parentId: "", relPath: ",_AezXQDnfEdqxANP9kNH4WA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_designer", title: "Designer", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_designer_807FBB41.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Role",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "2d51be9c", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_analysis_class", title: "Analysis Class", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_analysis_class_70D9E1D4.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "8f90eb38", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_design_class", title: "Design Class", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_design_class_45E95078.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "313723fe", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_design_package", title: "Design Package", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_design_package_3F20449E.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "61c2f4e2", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_design_subsystem", title: "Design Subsystem", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_design_subsystem_FFDD5287.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "13fd8e58", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_use_case_realization", title: "Use-Case Realization", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_use_case_realization_2E556719.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "85de6c56", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_analysis_class", title: "Analysis Class", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_analysis_class_7294C118.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "a9314d6", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_analysis_model", title: "Analysis Model", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_analysis_model_E26A4063.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "56a5cf0", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_design_class", title: "Design Class", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_design_class_7B5C3BC4.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "5a1b2152", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_design_model", title: "Design Model", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_design_model_7D6F5DFE.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "f6a2cfde", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_design_subsystem", title: "Design Subsystem", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_design_subsystem_4A8BFDF3.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "534546a", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_interface", title: "Interface", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_interface_39251209.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "b080ebba", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_use_case_realization", title: "Use-Case Realization", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_use_case_realization_2E556719.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "40dae0", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "class_design", title: "Class Design", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/class_design_50C0E8FA.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "6d24d754", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "subsystem_design", title: "Subsystem Design", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/subsystem_design_D46CB04A.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "2d2265be", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "use_case_analysis", title: "Use-Case Analysis", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/use_case_analysis_DAB10D12.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "b31cbac2", parentId: "ca26f0b2", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "use_case_design", title: "Use-Case Design", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/use_case_design_7A33E90E.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "2b528afc", parentId: "", relPath: ",_CRsnoRi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_implementer", title: "Implementer", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_implementer_F0B4A62.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Role",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "424d1516", parentId: "2b528afc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_developer_test", title: "Developer Test", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_developer_test_567E438E.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "3b43ae16", parentId: "2b528afc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_implementation_element", title: "Implementation Element", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_implementation_element_32482278.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "c8a81bfc", parentId: "2b528afc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_implementation_subsystem", title: "Implementation Subsystem", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_implementation_subsystem_43AF0E62.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "c4916692", parentId: "2b528afc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_developer_test", title: "Developer Test", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_developer_test_567E438E.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "41b8bdaa", parentId: "2b528afc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_implementation_element", title: "Implementation Element", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_implementation_element_F2E45E16.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
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{id: "61b671b4", parentId: "2b528afc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
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predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
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team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "e381cc20", parentId: "2b528afc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_log", title: "Test Log", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_log_8423E88.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "21cb30d4", parentId: "2b528afc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_results", title: "Test Results", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_results_A6735CFE.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "f458b406", parentId: "2b528afc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "analyze_runtime_behavior", title: "Analyze Runtime Behavior", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/analyze_runtime_behavior_14736AAC.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "46eccbbe", parentId: "2b528afc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "perform_developer_test", title: "Execute Developer Tests", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/perform_developer_test_3400090F.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "c4ce1146", parentId: "2b528afc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "implement_component", title: "Implement Design Elements", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/implement_component_F8F15C22.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "920d043c", parentId: "2b528afc", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "implement_developer_test", title: "Implement Developer Test", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/implement_developer_test_64BC2739.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "fb3d52aa", parentId: "", relPath: ",_CaxEFRi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_integrator", title: "Integrator", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_integrator_E683FDEC.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Role",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "3b6a721a", parentId: "fb3d52aa", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_build", title: "Build", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_build_1AE2DFEE.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "d9de42f4", parentId: "fb3d52aa", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_integration_build_plan", title: "Integration Build Plan", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_integration_build_plan_1A9B8472.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
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{id: "28ba5ffa", parentId: "e4647140", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_evaluation_summary", title: "Test Evaluation Summary", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_evaluation_summary_C195A524.html",
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{id: "6af060da", parentId: "e4647140", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
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predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
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{id: "8850ba84", parentId: "fd150118", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
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{id: "d48ae1b2", parentId: "fd150118", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "execute_test_suite", title: "Execute Test Suite", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/execute_test_suite_38D6CCD4.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
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{id: "7bd0b0c0", parentId: "fd150118", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
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predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
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{id: "21c983f8", parentId: "f95d693c", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
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{id: "c4ec3774", parentId: "f95d693c", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
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{id: "29ed8b4a", parentId: "f95d693c", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
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{id: "963f85d4", parentId: "f95d693c", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
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{id: "61a2165c", parentId: "f95d693c", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "design_user_interface", title: "Design the User Interface", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/design_user_interface_AE2FDA9D.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
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{id: "110b4416", parentId: "f95d693c", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "prototype_user_interface", title: "Prototype the User-Interface", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/prototype_user_interface_4C52E1A7.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},


©  Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 2006.  All Rights Reserved.



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