RD (Inni lenn Ir,ul 2006/ipring)
DlrectloiU! Bąch ul the wmirnd łtwni m Ineomplet* stntement* In ffl scctloti is followod by nnsweu ot by completlom oHhc ^jj^tttenl. Sclrct the ONI*. le.ttmcd nnswrt 01 cmnpletlon thnt li BEST in ©ncli witać.
^yWtajiits.-bAilłLUti^^ and >im«- mc RiUłt^pUlifą Im
{n^uolionnłtt*uIc ~~ UjfflHromycin /ffaN&B (J^ nil drugs . ^
|Ft .OPH luitiiui LV» nstnlU' tił'ivl nnthmn In: ł
((V) rtnlttophylitte (U) pruuluknst (O formoterol (D) tlotropłhm (R) snlbutnmol Jgf7i~vnflP V?~
ł. Clinradriistic sly.ns followhig m^tc oytmlnsr uf uplotil.’) luclude:
(Al phyttnt pupili ll^-ilciurssnl icmiMlun 11'Lauim (li) A.tlt ^^lloftbei!
The phAtinncolngic cITeds ofjiiotphine incTudc nil RXCEPT: (TytSHjPftT'-^*
(O) lcsuiink^y ijcnresalon & dinirhcn (B) pustota!Jiypętcnilon
lwvlornli'hnngcs Qj|
•^■^Wlili-gUrUe lollowiltR dtUgl In u i^alli\erylc.ttccplor niitnRonJ|ir/
J0r * (A) Isocthnt Ittr (R) u onu»lyu .uodlitiii (Ć^mcwimo (fljp litnittonltiiul _^W|iłcli ofthe followlng ngruls is ndrnosinr nutngonlit? p (A) tlicophylline (D) glucocoitloolds (C) cromolyn soillum 7. mdlc|tę thcJkisc atatcincnt lęgnldlpg propofol ns nu nucsthetlcl ^ dor.s md eondnie willi (inniIlon ofcentral nervous systemdcpressłou /^j^ll |)l^vldes lulmninlc skclctiiLujlUSclc
udu Milion li inny piodnce n drcline in blood pressUre jKh is n snfe alternative for pntients ptedispoied to .
_ mnllgmmt liyponlicniilu JjJ^f high lipopliilicily provldcs rnpid uiu^snuiptliposeł, mul rapid iccovcry Rom iineitliesin raPl-o, sleiillfnlion ol nrInstnime.hts we inny use:
gUifarnldcliydr (mlethylciic oxidc (C) chlorncxiilmc (D) ethnnol ^WMWliiobol Ihc lo||mvinu iluś:, ol untimiaubial uiiciits is classUtcd as hcim; lnu tniosl.ilu
.• ^^)t\TtnTwp[!yoosTncs UfJpeniolllinsfluoroijuinoloncs (U) coophn losponii!!
........“fil In (lic diymltiplnjdectli nnd nte the ndverse ctfeets ol;
(li) itlmeterol (D) ptopranolol (E) lerbulnline
m Qgmuy|Ulimb^^UUUilU<'< iVii^»»vu uuj^y
. (A^n!!iu»nłycii^^(D) genlnmycin ^^11111100.ycljnc^ (D) polymyxin II (li) cliloiviimplir.uicol 11. Which orRim sbould be monilotcd Tor ndverse efbols during d|igm|j|iy^ionlmenl?
(A) bonc nuiuow (C) kidneya (D) llver
Orał pehlcillins includc nil oftlie (bllnwing BXCBlłT;
{. (A) peiucillin V (R) nmoxyclllin (l^inudlbn #(D) ox«clllin (U) nmolcillin
llll ectluus; In tbis section decide If (lic (ollowing stntcmonls nbout diugs' nctlon me TlUJl! ot FĄLSR. |
f* 13, Buspiione is clfeclivc in couliolling pnnick nllncks.^f^l^" *^ it^S^DP^l fCG- 6A ^
Couitli supicssion colrelnics willi lite nnnlgesic nctions of opioids^^tu^o pftsibnw™
TMNuimudcosidc reyetsc Iifnsciiiitiise inhibitor* (like^^]^) um mcvAfl motlici UiAui_wJTKim (i.nn.Hi11 iłiiilnloi:tion
wbeii ndniinistned (u wonieli nt (hc oiiset of lnbot.H
oiully (o (leni fuugiil iiifcolions of jpistrolntcslliiul IfncL liopliozoilcs of R. liistolyticu KA^l ^mtiilcnŁycisiidyJliliUmsiirnnppniiioiiIni' (rniismissionby ncling likc^TiAlj ^^^^^iydrogenpem 3%solntioii, is n very cffeclive nntiseptic, whetniśeu on wounds ^■fcjiiituiuyuln U bttł*(tt>ipldiil fot^taiiliylucaccLiesistniiLto.mdliiclllin : f* F W- The besl wny (o |)revent superiufeclion is lo use nu agent with a wide cliemiotherapeutic spectrum W' Siicinlfnlr ncls by binding (o ncctollc ulccr tissue nnd li is active only in ncidic pH.
\ Aliiilinglyinn i-Jitit t*1 łł¥ hindiiui.lu ilin Mjl^jgibi^iiLnnyi ilicv nre , Lidocnine, ns ft^^&l&inclabolizcd l*y bluiill esldV(ftcs,|/vj l"u>£(^ . Metoclopiniuide inny indilce extrnpyramidnl - likc side effeets.
fi mu (lic Kiislioiiiloslinul (nici
l)il nc(lons: Por ench nuinbeied iłem, select the ONE lettered option that is most oloscly associated with it. Bach iettered option inny be selected ulice, morę llinii once, or not nt uli,
(A) moclobcmhlc (ll) cliloijmuuiiriur (O) venlnfnxine (D) olnn/.nplne (H) (luvoxuiniue (F) nmitriptyiiiie (0) dozapine
fn __ n
u’ 26. Atypical neuioleptic thnt pioduces ns nu ndverse cffcct ngriuiulocytosis. ' l B 27. Seleetiye SE leuptnke inhibitor; it produces gMtrointcilinnl syniplonis, decrcnsed iibidoj.^/^^
P 28. 7'iicyclic antidepressniit, exticinely dmtgerous wben tnken in overdose c{uniititic.s. r*‘
t)it-ecUoui: Poi cnuii iiunibned item, select the ONE lettered option thnt is most closely associated with It. Ench lettered option inny be selected once, morę limu once, or not at nil.