

A* 1    au*UAfr fcUfcwu Ui j/ «u »•■ im51W am*gvjiuijjiii.iMUW «u *« ui« iwuwnuig mwm 1

f(A) Bronchoconstriaion ^B^ostural hypotension ^C.)Bradycnrdia ^D) Fntigue 2. Inereases in heart ratę, syslolic blood pressure on one band, and dccrcasił {^diastollc bl


(C) allopurinol-kanthine oridase inhibition (D) digitixin-sodium pump inhibition (E) gluengon- adenylate cydase stimulation 9. All ofthe following dnigs can ca use bleeding when ovcrdoscd EXCEPT (A)ticlopidine (B)aspirin (C)hirudin    vi tarnin K (E)hcparin

10. All ofthe following dnigs are applied in the treatment o{giaucomOłXCEFT

^^^ropicamide ^(J^iimolol "^"(D)latinoprost "^EJpilocarpine ■ :ase the force of hgart‘s contra ction (positivc inotropic action) use

used in congeslive heart failure

In myocardiifi/chaemia we use thrombolytic drug, aspiria o^geri and raWt^."J Newcr, second generation H-l receptor antagonista (loralidine) are very useful and petent dnigs imtihe treatment ofsevere, generał allergic reaction (eg. anaphylactic shock).

17. Therapeutic index provides a very cpide measure of the safety of any drug as used in practice.

-f18 . The clinical effectiveness of a drug depends not on its potency (Ecjo), but on its mmdmal efficacy and its ability to reach the relevant receptora.


), sclecl the ONE lettered option that is most closely assrr-

(D) Amilonde (H) Clonidine (L)Abdksimab (P)Pirenzepine

r Selcctive Mi-rcc. antagonist. Inhibits gastric secretion.

I Anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, interacts with intraccllular receptor^

Directions: Each ofthe numbereń items or incomplete stalements in thls section is followed by completions of tlie statement Sele : the ONE lettered answer or completion that is BEST in each case.

1. Typical adyęree effects of P ad’ ę.iergic ąntąggnistsjncludę all ofthe following EXCEPT:

(E) Cold extremities blood pressure,

peripheral rcsistance on the other, are characteristic for therapeutic doses of:-(A) Norepinephrine (3) Dopuminc (C) Clonidine j^D^spincphrinc (E) Ephedrine

resolting from its mechanism of action are all ofthe following EXCEPT:

^Gaslric damage.    (B) Reversible renal imufficiency (C) “Analgesic-associated

nephropathy" (D) Bron ch osp asm in astinatics'^^Respiratory and metabolic acidosis ^H^hich ofthe foliowi^ajj^H-1 rccndor anUsomiU^ _    ri ‘ *’'**

Ranitidine ^^Cetirizine \fl/JinKmijwnate (D) Nedocromil sodium '(Et and C are correct

5.    Mononilrate isosorbide, in comparison with nitroglycerin:

(A) Has a longer Toj    Has a different phannacologic action (C) Is only used for prevention of slabie

angina (D) Does not lead to devetopment of tolerance 1 ^^Correct are A and C

6.    Which ofthe following is a dnigtlatmainly affects theplasma leyęlsjif yLDL?

' (A) Colestyramine (§) Loyastatine (C) Ezetimib ^JJ^eemfibrcsil (E) Probucol

7.    Which ofthe mentioned below statements is false? y^Ad^erzz effects are produced by tlierapeutic doses of a drug ^pJlDrugs with high fint pass effecl

show Iow bioeva:JabiIity A drug bound to plaśma proteins is phannacologically iuactive

drug eliminated by the kidney is always inactive ^JJJ^drug applied on the skin may produce topical or generał effects in the body    lew be Wn\"Ojecl

8. All of the following dnigs are matched corjrectly with their mechanism of action EXCEPT    \J (OC IrtO Hj^Tt (

streptokinase-plasminogen inhibition (B) zafirluksst-lcucotriene receptor antagonist

^T^doriolamide & opicamide

11.    Dnigs that inerease the force of hg inchidc all ofthe following EXCEPT

^A)digoxin "^B)amrinon ‘(C)dopamine (&)glucagon ^^aplopril —"X

12.    Accepted therapeutic indiciuoro for the use of the diuretics include all of the following EXCEPT: ^(A)hirosemide-pulmoniry ećf.ma ^)hannitol-congestive heart failure f (C)indapamide-hypertension *f(D)acetazolamide-mountain sicknessf(E)hydrochlorothiazide-hypenension

13. Indicate a drug :ch because of its Chemical stiucture (sulfonamide), can causc blood dyscnsias Wid anaphylactic-type reactions in susceptible patients.

(A) sulfasalazine (B) furosemide (C) acetazolamide (D)glipizide (E)allofthem

Directions: In this section decide if the following statements about dnigs are TRUE or FALSE ^Sfll^lSAiD reduce mainly thoss components ofthe inflammatory and immune responses in which the fpre-duds of COX-2 action play a significanl role...    ^Bor

■9. Furosemide inereases the risk of digokin induced toxicity because inereases the plasma levcls of putossitlm. 4_20. Atropinę and scopolamine (hyoscine), both being muscarinic receptor antagonista, differ in their aebion on

f* central nervous system; atropinę is CNS stimulant, scopolamine CNS depressant

21. Neostigminę is very effective in overcoming the blocking action of suxamethonium. Colchicine is effective in gout because reduces leucocyte migration into joinls ■■^s^TSulfasalazine is a drug used in rheumaioid arthritis very rarcly because of hs toxicjty.

Directions: For each mimbered item ( ciated with it. Each lettered option may be selectcd unee, mere than once, or not at all.

(A) Nicotłnic acid (B) Furosemide -- (C) Enalapril (E) Yerapamil    (F) Sodium nhroprasside (O) Metoprolol

(I) Hydrochlorothiazide (I) Acarbose    (K)Alprostadil •

(M) Alteplase    (N) Dexamethasone    (O)Miaoprostol

(R) Repaglinidc    (S) Spironoiactone

24.    A diuretic which is cffective in patients with hypertension and renal failure. C- ^

25.    It dilates veins and arteries; as a side effect the drug produces among others cough.

26.    It dilates arteries; it is used eg. in hypertension and angina. ^

The drug that inereases insulin relcase from panereas

Prostanoid effectively preventing peptic uleers formation in patients taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

drop.C7    .    _    .    j>


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