


-    Tufa deposits and some other sites reflect massive humid phase, that is later succeeded by altemating seąuence of carbonate and scree horizons set in by probable oceaniiy-continentality climatic shifts (Lożek 1984,1997).

-- The maximal migration deposition ofcalcium carbonate is accompanied by rapidly growing number of woodland molluscs species and thus by evo-lution of closed forest. The upper tree limit is the highest during late climatic optimum (Lożek 1978).

-    The Subboreal (sensu Jager 1969, 700-1250 BP) represents the most critical period of the Holocene in relationship to unprecedented intensity of rock falls and collapses and coarse scree formation. The Subboreal sediments are often accompanied by abundant Late Bronze Age ceramic fragments. Harsh Continental climate, deforestration, droughts and expanded landnam (expansion of settlement area, grazing) are to be expected (Jager, Lożek 1983).

-    Short but vigorous erosional event takes place at the beginning of peak of Pre-Neolithic carbonate phase (Jager, Lożek 1983).

-    Erosion, subrosion and the end of tufa formation takes place at the ma-jority of deposits during 2-5“ century B.C. (Żak et al. 2002; Kadlec et al. this volume).

-    The grassland and steppe relicts including chernozem soils were pre-served in areas of continuous human impact settled during Neolithic coloni-zation.

-    Anthropic influences lead to the spreading of modern molluscan immi-grants that never lived in Central Europę before.

-    The first half of the Holocene can be characterized by presence of soils containing some ąuantitites of calcium carbonate, while later we observe leaching of carbonate, acidification and oligotrophisation of soils that may lead to profound vegetational changes and environmental collapses in large areas. This phenomenon is especially characteristic for Bohemian Cretaceous sand-stone areas (Lożek 1998a, b).


On the basis of gathered evidence we can compile the Holocene evolution in hilly and submontane areas including wami and dry regions such as karst-lands, where paleobotanical methods do not provide the necessary framework for evaluation of actual environmental changes. The initial point of Holocene sequences is rooted in the Late Pleniglacial. Loess sedimentation prevailsat altitudes 150-300 (350)m above sea level. Northern and arcto-alpine mollus*


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