

Pollen diagram* In Sandomierz Basln 67

The described horizon is bipartite. The older part was probably treeless. The percentage of pine pollen (Pinus) is c. 3 — 15, and that of birch (Betula) is 2-5. Single pollen grains of the larch (Larix) are present. Heliophilous shrubs of juniper (Juniperus), smali arctic-type willows (Salix polarls type) and herb communities with Helianthemum, Chenopodlaceae and Artemisia occupied open sites. Bet ula nana also was present.

A spread of scattered trees (AP increases to 35%) is visible in the younger part (prior to 12650 BP). This is due to the expansion of birch (Betuła), poplar (populus), larch (Larix) and probably pine (Pinus).


This zonę is described on the basis of two samples obtained from PI 86-1 (Fig. 3) at the depth of 3.07 — 3.12 m and from the whole diagram Pł 40 (Fig. 4).

The vegetation at first was similar to that in the younger part of the Bolling chronozone, may be it contained only a greater amount of Hippophae (PI 86-1). The role played by pine (Pinus) and birch (Betula) then increased, and probably poplars (Populus), willows (Salix) and Hippophae spread out. Betula nana, Helianthemum, Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae became morę important. Urtica and Filipendula appeared in the morę shaded places. This change in the local yegetation resulted in an open forest-dominated landscape.

The diagram Pł 40 may be interpreted as a reflection of the spread of pine-birch forest (high AP curve) with larch and poplar and the presence of heliophilous juniper shrubs, as well as herb communities with Artemisia and Helianthemum. This profile was included in the Allerod chronozone, though it distinguishes itself by the presence of alder (Alnus) and hazel (Corylus) pollen which probably comes from a far distance or from a secondary bed.


This zonę is described on the basis of the bottom part of the profiles Pel 4, G 3bis, B 15 (Fig. 5, 6, 7).

The landscape was dominated by the open pine (Pinus) forest with birch (Betula), a smali number of larch (Larix) and may be aspen (Populus tremulal). Willows (Salix) and poplars (Populus) were present. Juniperus, Hippophae and the herbaceous heliophytes Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Sanguisorba officinalis and Selaginella occupied open areas. Filipendula and Urtica were flourishing, and Betula nana and arctic-type willows of Salix polaris type occurred on the peat bog. At the turn of the Younger Dryas and Preboreal there was a short-lasting expansion of birch. The participation of willows (Salix), poplars (Populus), Betula nana and Salix polaris type decreased.


This zonę is characterized on the basis of four profiles: the bottom section of Dr 10 (Fig. 8), the central section of G 3bis and PI 86-1 (Fig. 6, 3), and the uppcr section of Pel 4 (Fig. 5).


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