


_I H»r Ems’ ńsbs must br sccured to each and pnserred intact.

Afeed łŁ» n-fcaż xakxjsy Erik Sparrr incurred when he wrote thc treatise

__łj /rr tpŁ asuring to each hijm’: AftP, vi, 138; and ęf. ibid..

ja,    n.wm*ma ofaserrcd, ‘We are Samtmrt Regm and ought to be

Rtz>em /i subdiZcs. and speak not anły for jms Regium but aho 6,. ś m tmmetaśem Gheriakm fmtńm, whach altbough it may ofttimes be ~fant o gy. b yet fŁ™nHfd af os by aur office and calling.’

*    RRP. ri. 662.

a Okm Rrssad. ‘Med rkds rade ełler efier kommgens godtycke? Makten ówx «»l*«nkimiiiipama sam potitik striddraga under i6oo-talet’, Scarią xm (1963), pp. 187-9.

*    Ssańm rilrsbpritrr. 11 Sedes, i, 73. But see tbe criticism af tbis inter-ptetańan m Brrmanssao- ep. fflL pp. 275-6-

«i Fam af Gocemment, daiw 43 and 44: Hildehrand,Sneriges regerings-Jknmsr, p. 31.

*    Falkę Ii»dl**g Axel Orenstierna sam rilcwfawtaŁnTpr Ett bidrag uli bdBsbgeo ar riksdagsdokmn och riksdagsprasis under farmyndartkłen’ (SlnisadauŁnpBg TidrŁnft, mir [xjl xnj. Lund. 1931 ). Contrasu for instance, RRP. ri, 101 »irii AOSB. L ?m, 233.

** For the diyghe rfUrm. af tbe fhange. see cjg. RRP, iii, 34—5, 69.

“ Łagarotfa, p. 142. During tbe Frondę tbe same riaim was put forward on łrłalf af tbe pmirmemt af Paris: Ł H. Kossmann. La Frondę. Leklen, 1934, p. 102.

45 Winrock, Cmi X Gmstafs tnUrmenie. Den potitiska stridat i Scerigt 1660, Uppsala. 1906, pp. 255-69.

Lmfre. p. 118.

c Ad£inmentm^ paragraph 14: Hildehrand, Sseriges regeringsformer, p. 65: my iraHrt

■ Łagerrotb. p. 177.

** JddtimueutMm, paragraph 17; HUdebrand, p. 56; Sam Oason, ‘Om uppkonBZen af besatamda peńoder for den srenska riksdagens sammantrade’, Htttmrisk TidsŁrifl, 1892.

* Pristatmdets nŁsdagspraiakoii, Uppsala, 1949- , iii, 227-8, 259 (and ęf. UńŁ. ii, 76}; Bmgmestmdets riksdagsprotekoll Jare Frihetstiden, Uppsala, 1933, pp. 612-14.    earłier attempts, see Odhner, op. di., p. 11; Georg Wittrock,

Reg/ringm mk dbmogen under Kńńauu fdrmjndart, Uppsala, 1948, pp. 9-11.

71 Bmgprfftdndrtr riksdagsproteknU, p. 190.

a In 1660, Car msfemrr, they are said to have threatened to ‘break the (bet*, in Pobdb fahinn: PrasUstdmdets nksdagsprolokoll, ii, 110 fil

73    cf. tbe fifhiWłga between Erik Oaenstierna and tbe NobOity in 1655: The OmneeUm: What mean you good lords by rerersaons?

The SobUity: Cntdfige, cmcifige! Tbey should becanceOed onreasonable terms. CnL Lms Knmt: Mbved tha1 tbe reversions which tbe counts have obtained to frtala witbin tfaeir counties be handed over, like other rerersions, to the crown: RRP, xiv, 108-9. And see Georg Wittrock, ‘Riksskatt-mastartn Gustaf Bondcs poKtkka program 1661% HistorisM Ttdskrifi, mmii, PP 47-50-

74    For tbe special prrtmsłons of the councO, see RRP, iv, 22; vi, 432;

xśi 304-6; zhr, 240-1; SRARP, iv, 192, 216; Pristatmdets ńksdngspnkktŁ ii, 125.

75 Scenska riksdagsakłer, I Senes, in, 394; II Senes, Ł 112.

w SHARP. iv, 345; Dagbok, ford ad t6§o Ars ńksdag___af Dr Jam Prań

(Homdlingar rvran.de Skandinadens historia, xń (1837)), pp. 95, 107. Gskśa found ii necessaiy to issue a proclamauon    iłai use af de wad

impłied no stigma: Sdernman, Bihang, p. 333. Panfeim had proacwsd ai the use cf the word tanbdrdig in the Ptmkges af the Nabihiy 2$ ody s 1634: RRP, iv, 183-4; asdSKdRP, m 277.

77    As Herman Flemingput it an 6 April 1655: Tf thcse who eamrri irdid not receive their reward, no ooe was gomg to bring up his dnkiren tg boQC*ur and riurtue, and onły the rieh woold have any prospectr; RRP. xri, 128.

78    RRP. xv, 211; HandUngar tił Kmmg Cmi XI:tes łastmia, Soddnibs. 1769, x, 90; Sandał emeUan Jantker Padr, Mister Hans [esc.], m Samkng af Cnrieusa Sandał ..., Uppsala, 1768, p. 33; Prasłestdndets riksdagiprakkaśl, i, 169, 172-3, where the bishcp af Linkoping cammented thai 'the deryj are as fond of the nobility as Galigola was cf the Roman peopie".

79    Goran Rystad, ‘Clas Ralamhs memoriał 1665 och radsuppu&mooen moi Karl xis formyndare’ {.Karolińska Farbamdets AisbtŁ, 1963}. passim; iL. Johan Gjlłaisticma, rodeł och kungamakten, Lund, 1955, p. 135; Lagerroth. p. 205; Kriand Hjarne, Frań Yasmim fili Frihetstidem, p. 80. Riiamb became a member of the coundl in 1664.

" Goran Rystad, 'Med rads rade efler efter kommgens godncbe’, pp. 197-236. The tonę of the counal!s attack an the regens in 1665 resemiles that in which, in the years between 1720 and 1772, ministers were wam id be censured by the Secret Comminee: it is printed in Den rada Fćsartn. Stockholm, 1769.

81 In 1680 the coundl actualły discussed the pasibiłity af appea&ng to the Recess af Kalmar against their citation before the Great Cammisaan: Rystad, Johan GjUenstiema, rodeł och laaigamaŁten, p. 292.

88 For an earły espression of this idea see RRP, ix, 16; fcr an eariy rtjrr-tkm of it, ibid., xvi, 74.

83    Oxensueraa in 1633 wrote of Christina’s being queen iin tinue of the unanimous designation of coundl and Estates*; AOSB, I, x, 12. In i%i. Gabriel Gustahson Oxenstienia had remarked ‘thai just as the Estares have power to elect a king, so they ought, iniemgm teaapare ar sś wemramasze regia, to confirm the qińnque capiia*: RRP, iv, 8; and in 1660 the Ckrgy. demanding the right to approve the great officers af State during a minority, argued: ‘We have the power eligcndi Regtm, ęmi mops autor7; Prinrrmdrts riksdagsprotokolł, ii, 93.

84    Lennart Thanner, Reaoluńanen i Scerigt efler Kari XII:s Mi. Uppsala, 1953, p. 313; and for the defeat af the councfl-party, pp. 233-73.

88 They promised him that ‘Where Your Majest/s own tyimna, of your royal superior intdligence, does not agree with ours, then will and shall we set our own opinion behind us, and noc put it before ar ałoogade Yanr Majesty7s will ar opinion, which God always vouchsafes to be the best aad

most useful ___*: HandUngar taranek Skacmbmnens kistarm, ti, 26-y; a

slightly different version in Sotnska riksdagsakUr, ii, 953.



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