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DSCN6678 (2)


Voltage is 220 AC. 50 cycles. American plugs do not fit Polish outlcts. Bringing along your own adapters and transformers is advisable.


The art of cooking has a long tradition in Pol and. Some typical dishes are: beetroot soup, sour soup, hunter's stew, pork chop with cabbage, ravioli with cheese, and bcef tripe.

In Foland the gastronomie system consists of:

Restaurants which are divided into several categories from luxury to categoiy IV. As a nile they serve a fuli rangę of meals, i.e. breakfast, dinner and supper. Bcsidcs separate restaurants located in all cities, higher category hotels also operate such facilities. In many cities there are specialized restaurants which serve Polish regional and foreign dishes. Higher category restaurants also provide entertainment.

Bars also serve fuli rangę of meals, but are intended for quick, volume business. With prices lower than in restaurants, the most popular are the milk bars, which serve vegetarian dishes madę of milk and milk by-products bases as well as vegetables.

Coffee-shops serve: coffee, tea, cold beverages, pastries, alcohol (wines, brandies). Coffee-shops in hotels also serve breakfast. In Poland coffee-shops are typical places for social rendezvous.

Cocktail-bars serve: milk cocktails, ice cream, beverages, pastries.

Inns serve a fuli rangę of meals like restaurants.

In Poland breakfast is served from 7-10 AM., dinner 1-5 PM., and supper 6-9PM.

The proper way to use your utensils is a little different from the American way. Eat with your knife in the right hand and the fork in your left hand throughout the meal.


Poland is a country of many young pcople and rccreation activities play an important role in everyday life.

Ali large cities have stadiums where a variety of sporting events take place, but these structures are also availablc for public usc such as jogging or riding your bicycle.

There are a large number of parks which are ideał for quiet walks and relaxation. AU cities havc public swimming pools, as do most large hotels. Tcnnis courts bclong primarily to athletic clubs.

It is not advisable to ride your bicycle in large cities due to heavy traffic. In some areas spccially designated bike paths are in use. They are marked with an intemational pictograph showing a white bicycle on blue background.

A number of private health clubs as well as golf courses are also beginning to spring up around the country.

Weekend trips outside of the city are very popular, as most Polish metropolitan areas lie within easy reach of forests, rivers or lakes.

The Polish mountain regions with the town of Zakopane, known as the 'winter Capital of Poland', at the foot of the Tatry mountains (highest peak: Rysy 2499 m), offers spectacular views along with ample opportunities for skiing, hiking and rock climbing. The Mazury lakes are choicc spots for kayaking, canoeing, waterskiing or simply relaxing and catching some fish. The Baltic coastlinc (500 kilometers) with wide sandy beaches is also a popular vacation destination.

Unique and valuable parts of the country make up National Parks and naturę reserves. Each has its special attraction. The Puszcza Białowieska forest is a unique ecosystem where the last European Bison roam free, among a great varieiy of other wild gamę. In the Pieniny national park raft trips are organized down the Dunajec river where it cuts through the Pieniny mountains in a picturesque gorge. The Ojców national park offers the unusual sight of medieval and renaissance castles perched high on limestone cliffs.

The solitary walkcr will find peace, tranquillity and unspoUed naturę in the Bieszczady mountains in the southeast. Finally, dense woods



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