DSC58 (15)

DSC58 (15)

Example 12 Amend the rangę of a light

2898 AUSTRALIA - South Australia - Approachcs to Port Lincoln - Williama    ,

Light List Vol.K, 2006/07,1873    ““    - Light

Sourcc: Australian Notice 10/441/06 (HH.571/009/2006-02 e26).

Chart Au 134 [ previous update 1357/06 ] WGS84 DATUM

Ameod    rai.gcofUghtlo.9M    35* 01 --SIS, 135- »-.łnL,

Chart Aus 343 [ previous update 1124/06 ] AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC DATUM

Amend    rangę of light to, 9M    35.0| .gs ^    ^

Chart Au 34S [ piwious update 1124/06 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Amend    light to. F1.2-5s9M    35° 01-7S., 135* »-.|Ł

Chart Au 444 [ previous update 2131/06) UNDETERMINED DATUM

Amend    rangę of light to, 9M    35*01 '-8S., 135° 58‘ -2E

Chart Au 776 [ previous update 2139/06 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend    rangę of light to, 9M    35° 01 '-7S., 135* S8‘-3E.


ls a straightforward cha

in. ^ttesa^ 0,d one- Notę that if snacek* r °- 3 ,i9ht' The amended rangę should be wnnej

avoid the . Casesił is better to write the wh i ,r^,tec*’ ran9© on its own should not be arrcwe-

Ihrouoh 96 bein9 mistaken for aL? d®scriPtion again. Make surę the W is induW' 0U9h'    8 Sound,n9- Remem ber to delete the old rangę by oosM



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