Medications: Commonly used medications include NSAlDs, muscle relaxants, and tricycfic antidepressants. Morę recently, injections botulinum toxin have been used, in some cases as an adjunct to arthrocentesfi
ibuprofen and naproxen are commonly used NSAlDs. They work best when given on a rather than a pm basis and are not wociated addiction problems. NSAlDs should bfforescribed on a regular basis for a period of 2-4 we w and then gradually tapered.
Narcotics are reserved for patients
pain and should not be used for morę than 10-^L
The commonly used muscle relaxants are diazepai^^k methocarbamol, and cyclobenzaprine; the lowest 4 effective dose should be used effects include sedation, depression, and addiction^H Tricyclic antidepressants. in Iow doses, have been '
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