6 Wt Itr tftittoncM twrplAlnlny llOW to ftctlV6t® or ntarr th# dei/lce* fa 4, v\»u, the um. ihó eustomer, the <lrlver, the pAftMnger
tht* hitlHllf
7 Whftt can thlS robot do? HOW (I06S ii W(*rk? DlSCtiM wlth your p,, -, (i■
$ Ktsul thls umKn/luo nrtlcle. Wrlle file Rfiffiefi of the d«v1ce* in th<* chart
wtlghe less thtul 8 kg and la onły 868 mm tali, but <t o&^ that ue othtr tobol Cen do. It cnn rldo a blki. How doea lt d<3 thle?
g. ct s^,>vrv &t\d wltełes* toohnoloyy. On® sensor la located In the robota jwy tho robol upflylA and proyefite li trom foiitng sldewsy®
tt>« robol crii 1100K ahead ustng a email oamerajiąitn l\oud, The Ófirhere help* the i, robot to rsw In a straight lilia Anoihot sensor l# iocatoci In llĄChPfjt, Jhle sensor -nce*er*i*tettom hWitig a wali or other ob|oct.|The robol cnn recolve Inatruetlpn® froifl an A\t^.-rvii computer by means ot n wlreloss rect»lvor In lho boty,on lt» bacl^The uskfcs R łoHow the correct rond. rinniiy. If lho rond la not fint, another aecttorOh the fntmo ofthe bike) cnn fobl the movornont of lh© whęel, The sensor atssws the robot to ride OVOt bumps In Ul© lond.
Murata Boy can do theaa thlnga r . devtce k>c4tUxi ---™.——— - °ts - -...... .......—;......”H (t)ttcanstaylnavertloalposltlonontheblke sensor body | |
(2) lt can rooelVQ Instrucllons from nn outsklo cjomputor |
uf! vOx tf*r t*’C |
(3) lt can clotect chnngos In the surtnce ot the rond | |
(4) lt can look stmlght ahond and movo stralght forward | |
(5) lt can detect wnlls and mov© away from them |
I ^ ^ 1 ♦ %4‘ |
[by I uslng by ualng by means of
The robot can look ahond
a camera In lt© head
Speakłng 9 Supply the ąuestlons lor thls lntervlcw wlth the lnventor ot the robot.
1 A: What .CC&;. lL __ ’_7
B: lt can rlde a blcycle.
2 A: 7
B: lt works by means o! sensors and wtreless technology.
B: By means of a sensor In the frame of the blke.
_4^A: *r ' 1 l, - > v t. )k. ■; h^ri ry#, ■ -- --?
B: By a sensor In its chest.
A: ■ il A> /r> v < f
B: By ualng a camera.