Early Childhood MathÎnters TCR3718 (10)
Counting \
Ali Aboard!
Skill; Matching Numerais 1-10 to Sets, Number Sequencing
Materials: scissors; train cars (pages 11-13); number cards (page 13); penci!
Teaeher Preparation: Cut out the train cars and number cards. Color and laminate train cars, if desired. Write the correct number on the back of each train car for student seif-checking.
Ali Aboard!
Student Dlrections
1. Choose a train car. Count the number of animals in it.
2. Place the correct number card in the square on the train car.
3. When all numbers have been placed on the train cars, put the cars in order from 1-10.
4. Check your work. Look at the number written on the back of each train car to see if it matches the number card.

#3718 tarły Ckildhood Math Cenrers 10 ©Teaeher Creaied Resources, Inc.
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