


:    .2 No. 1 straigbt-edge and No. 2 skew chiseL

.•'W the metal bas been ground back on the -unningjrom the obtuse angle to make it less . . to pinch in a groove.

V Fig 1.2). IF the straighr edge is at an angle t:    Ä‡ axis it is a No. 2 corner or skew chisel.

' are usually bevelled on each side. The others No. 11 are gouges, siarting with the No. 3 =ra-flat gougc. At first glance this looks like a n-i-ght-edge, a misreading which has Ied to :>r these uscFul tools being ground flat on > c* >; des. It is in fact slightly curvcd. The depth jr *. . :n-c or swccp increases with cach numbcr -- No. 11, which is approximatcly U-shapcd. â€˜    - .et numbers in the English system are the

' - z r salmon bend and the short front-bent ir iooon bit chisels (Fig 1.3). These start with the - - --rional straight-edge (No. 21), and both -- ir.d right-handed bent skew chisels are madÄ™ â€¢m ra: corners may bc approached from any Numbers 22 and 23 (Fig 1.4) are both s^r- md the extra flar gougc is No. 24.

: '- eeps progress in the usual way up to 32 cr . -.r.t to that of a straight No. 11 gouge). rnc to 38 the tools look likc upside-down - : gouges. These are backbcnt gouges *i c The next numbers are V or parting â€¢ -i5 . 60° and 90°. The macaroni,

Fic; 1.3 Long bend and short front-bend (or bent) or spoon bit gouges.

fluteroni. backeroni and wing parting tools

(Fig 1.6) are verv rarely used now except by specialist trade carvers and restorers. Most of the Nos. 1-11 are madÄ™ in fishtail or in long pod versions. A good fishtail chisel has an angle of about 60* at each corner. It may also be called a spade tool. The long pod chisel has a less sharp angle at each corner and a longer splay. A common mistakc with fishtail and other tapered tools is to round the cnds (Fig 1.7). While this mighr produce a shape that is useful for certain jobs it is a waste of a good and extremely useful tapered tool. The fishtails corners are thin and so reach better into corners (Fig 1.8).

Some chisels are tapered from the shoulder to the edge, which gives a compromise bctween the strcngth of a straight tool and the ability of a spade tool to cut cleanly into corners.

Choosing Your First Shapes and Sizes of Chisel

Out of all these chisels, where do you starr when you begin to collect them for your own work?

- 7 _


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