



Stylization is not an Easy Option

The styli7x*d or simplified human or animal sculpture is somctimes used by beginners as a way of making something represcntational without needing thc detailed knowledge of the real form (Fig 13.1). The naive carver wich a good eye uncluttcrcd by exposure to thc literaÅ‚ accuracy of sculptures done in the height of the western tradition may capturc the strength and impact of the true primirivc (Figs 13.2, 13.3), but modern carvers often produce something which fails all round. Proportions may be wrong; limbs may do things not only iinpossible in naturÄ™ but also unplcasing in shape or composicion. Somctimes parts of the figurÄ™ may be so close to reaiity rhat thc whole is a mish-mash of styles.

As I have repeatedly stressed, you need to know how to do something properly beforc taking liberries with ir. There are, of course, people who get trapped in their early academic training and

FlG 13.1 Swan (pine), Dick Onians: an early piece (1962) based on casual obseruation.

cannot break out into free exprcssion, but there are far morÄ™ people who, for want of a sound training of eye and hand, continue producing work of such sclf-expression that without a written explanation the onlooker is left wondering what it is about. There may be a force or emotional power in such work, but this can simply come from thc viewer himself or it may be fuli of sound and fur)', signifying nothing.

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