£§[ You don't have to know anything about mahjong to draw zs, mahjong manga!! Awnght. somc of you out thcre might jZg havc somcthing to say about that, but. look. if you always had to rely on your own cxpcricncc to draw somcthing. chen mystcry novciists would all bc running around murdering pcoplc.
'tp. In fact (apparcntly) thcrc arc plenry of mahjong manga artists out thcrc who don’t know thc first thing about mahjong. You’d bc shockcd that some rcally prominent
ganists (apparently) cani play a lick. Weil, werc not in thc biz of writing "How To" manuals here. You can leam thc
•Kiyota & Mr. Malik-Japanese Yuri Gellers
rules and movcs on your own. And if you*re no good at drawing mahjong tiles. don't worry. thcrc arc assistants who (apparcntly) specializc in drawing them.
The irnportant thing is to make thc manga tntertainwg. Of course. this is mahjong manga. so you can't avoid drawing mahjong But another way of looking at it is. once you’ve covcrcd your ass as far as mahjong is conccmcd. you'rc frec to draw anything you like (in this sense it's likc "crocomâ€). I oncc saw this amazing Hong Kong kung fu TV drama where the charactcrs wcrc fighung and playing mahjong at thc same timc! Imagine thc potential! Frin-stancc. imagine Kiyota and Mr. Malik* in a psychic mahjong battlc!