i 1 l___J 1 ......1 I-----J I_1 I_I LJ UJ UJ UJ
Ahead ahead ol Schedule, ahead oIone's time
Belore beforo long
Belilnd behind Schedule, behind the limes
From Irom time lo time, from now on, Irom experience, frorn memory, Irom scralch Into inlo pieces
To lo one's astonishment, lo one's surprlse, to this day, lo some extent
Wlth wilh regard to, willi a view lo (+ -ing lorm)
Wilhin wilhin tninules
Without wilhout delay, without fail, withoul success, without warning
1 -(e)s ending
a. words ending In -s, -ss, -ch, -x, -sh, -z, -o add -es
bus - buses, mass • rnasses, pilch ■ pitches, mix -limes, tnpaz - lopazea, kimało ■ lonmloes, zoo - zoos rod bo - rodeos, igloo - igloo s, radio - radios, piano - pianos, Filipino ■ Fiiipinos
wiła - wives, leal ■ lonves
Iwriy ■ luirrles - linrrled, lunny ■ Innnler ■ /iinnlost, wony - woriylng
oinploy ■ empioys - employed - omploylng coy - coyer ■ coyesl
dle - dying
save - saWng saved (but: be - being) lanie - lamer ■ tamoal rare ■ rarely, nice - nicely (bul: lnie - Inily) incredibia ■ Incredibly (bul: w/io/e - wholly)
see - seoIng
b. nouns ending In vowel + o, double o, short lorms/ musical Instruinenls/proper nouns ending In -o add -s
2 -t/-fe ending
nouns ending In -t/-le drop -l/-fo and add -ves
3 -y ending
u. words ending In consonant + y drop -y and add -les, -ied, -ler, -lesl, -ily
b. words ending In consonant 1 y add -ing
c. words ending In vowel + y add -s, -ed, -Ing, -er, -est
4 -le ending
words ending In -ie change -le to -y belore -Ing
5 dropping -e
a. words ending In -e drop -e and add -Ing, -ed, -er, -esl
b. ad|ectlves ending In -e add -ly lo lorm thelr adverbs
c. ad|ecllves ending in -le change -le lo -ly to lorm thelr adverbs
d. verbs ending In -ee add -Ing
Pronunclation ol -(e)s ending (noun plurals and the 3rd person singular ol yerbs In Ihe Present Slmple)
laughs, spols, drips, racks
lal aller III, lii, /p/, Ikl /iz/ alter /z/, /dj/, /l|/, lal, l\l
liouses, dodges, dilclies, passes, /as/ies
Izl alter /b/, Igi, Iml, /d/, /I/, Inl, lei or any vowel sound
dabs. rigs, boaras, thrllls, palns, leaves, loys
baked, matched, laughed, lunced, dashod, trappod
Pronunclation ol -ed ending
/id/ aller IV, /d/ /!/ alter Ikl, lifl, III, lal, 1(1, Ipl lilled, branded
/d/ alter /b/, Idjl, /ml, lvl, Igi, Ul, Inl, Izl, vowel + /r/
snubbed, nudgod, dimmed, craved, drugged, spilled, opened, cruisad. carod
'OMrrctfait;; 'irmmj | |||
(in/dls)ability |
disable, enable |
ablo, disabled | |
acceptance, accaptabillty accident |
accept |
acceptable accidental | |
achievement |
achioye |
achievable | |
actor, actress |
action, act, actiyity, acting, actlvation |
activale, ad |
active |
admiror |
admlration |
admire |
adrnirlng, adrnirable |
admission |
admittance, admission |
ad mit |
admissible |
adventurer |
adventure |
adyenturous | |
adviser |
advice, advisability |
advise |
advlsable, advisory |
alarm |
alarm |
alarm |
alarming, alarmed |
analyst |
analysls arwiety |
analyse |
analytic(al) anxious |
applicanl, appllcator |
applicalion |
apply |
applicable, applied |
artist |
art, artislry assurnption |
assume |
artistic |
attcndnnt |
attendance, (in)attention |
attend |
attendant, (in)allentive |
beginnar |
boginning |
bogiń |
boginning |
bohaviourist |
behaviour, behaviourism |
behave |
behayioural |
benefit, benefaclor, beneficiary |
benefil |
benolit |
beneficial |
breath, breathing |
breathe |
brealhless, breathy, brealhtaking, (un)brealtiable | |
calculator |
calculation |
calculate |
calculating, calculabla |
celebrily |
celebr ation |
celebrate |
celebrated |
centra |
centre |
ceritralise, centre |
central |
character, charactarlstlc |
character, charactarisation |
characterise |
cliaracteristic, cliaracterless |
cliild |
childhood, childblrth |
ctiildless, childish, childlike | |
ctioice |
choose |
choos(e)y | |
classification |
classify |
classllied, classifiable | |
collection, collector |
collection |
collect |
collected, collecliye |
comfoiter |
comfort |
comfort |
comfortable, comtortless, comlorting |
commitment, committal |
commit |
committed | |
communicatioii |
communicate |
communicable, communicative | |
compotllor |
competition complaint |
compete cornplairi |
competitiye |
compleleness, completion |
comploto |
complote | |
confidant(e) |
confidence, conlidentiality consciousness |
contide |
confident, confidential, confiding conscious |
conservation |
corisorve |
conservative | |
(in)consideration |
consider |
considerable, considerate | |
construction, constructor |
construction |
construct |
constructiye |
correction |
(in)correctness, correction |
correct |
correct, correctiye |
corrospondent, correspondence |
correspondence |
correspond |
corresponding |
creation, creator, croature |
creation, creativeness, |
croate |
creatiye |