

Thn vchide w» tmnd buńnl m a comfidd «t Idaho. It will take a imali numbcr ol pcopłf anywhoe n Ute worid. unckteciabły. wtthin an liour.

I Inked to a Pcnonabty, thc flying Sauccr gtm him • 10 agatmt any to Destroy or Aiummufton It ii captuwri or doilioyed II he b.

Lrtt unllnked, M propcrty oł tho IHuminati, ttio Fłytng Saucer Ictł you make one e*tra autnmatic takrwer each tum Thn may only be uled for Reiource. H yoo make Uui extra takeover, you must dncard your top undrjwn Plot card in exchaogr.

Unląue Cadget Artifact


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