In Moreh 1957, while attend.t-g Quarry Bart Grommar School In llverpool, Joh formod a sklffle group called The Ouarrymen Lenncn and the Ouarrymen mei gu«tarist Paul McCartney at the Wootton Garden F4te held at St Peters Churc Juty 1957 On 6 Fcbruery 1958, the yocng pjitonst George Harrlson wes invlt< watch the group (who played under a varłety of names) at Wilson Hall, Garstc Urerpool McCartney had beccme acgusmted wlth Harrlson co the mcmtng sc rtde to the Uvccpool Institute, os they both livod m Scete. At McCertne/s ln< Harrlson jomed the Ouarrymon as lead guitarist after a rehearsal in March 19! owercoming Lenncn's Initial reluctance because of Harriscn'5 young age Merrł contlnuolly Jomed and left the linwjp Aring that penod. and In January 1960 art school frlend Stuart Sutdiffe joined cn bass Lemcn and McCartney both c rhythm gjitar and the group had a high tc#nover of dnmners
The Ouarrymen went throuęh a progresslon of names — "Johmy and the Mooe John and the Beatles", "the Silver Beetles* (derwed from Lorry Pames' soggestlon of tang John and the Silver Beatles") — before settling on 'The E