Wouldja believe that virtually the same rules apply to the villains as to the heroes? (When it comes to drawing them, at any ratę!)
On this page we’ve presented two shots of the dramatically demonical Dr. Doom. The one on top is a somewhat ordinary, pedestrian rendering of our Lord of Latveria, as any average, catchpenny non-Marvel artist might interpret him. The one below is dazzlin' Doc drawn in the dynamie Marvel style.
See the difference? Weil, just to play safe, let’s go over some of thefinerpoints.
While there’s nothing basically wrong with the top figurę, you can see that the one below is morę exag-gerated. Doc’s arms and legs are heavier, morę imposing. His feet are planted farther apart, giving morę weight and majesty to his stance. His tunic is flaring a bit, denoting a feeling' of action even though the character is standing still. His chest is larger, bulkier, and his hands are bigger and morę powerful.
The differences are somewhat subtle—but the one above is the way Marvel would do it. It’s important. that you train your eye to catch these elusive but essential variations. They can spell the difference between great artwork and adequate artwork.
And we never wanna think of any Marvelite as being less than great!