IMAG0706 (5)

IMAG0706 (5)

Weight iJL


s Drugs+

I i


Actłęg ^ ^

AdverseE# cos


" ^scrotonin icuptakc inhibitor " •

valvulięhcari discascy


( scrotonin rełeucr


% ^ m . ••



norcpincphrinc, dopamine, and scrotonin rcuptakc inhibitor

incrcaJ^rThcart rat^^d blood prcssurc


inhibits panocatic lipasev

•icćreasc in absorption of fat-soluble

dcacascs bu absorption

' draftu ns

v>ft scoois and anaJ lcakagc possiblc link to brcasr cancer

Ephedrinc ud caffcinc, and, fluoKtin; hm a ho bccn imcd lor wcijjl.t loo. bul arr noi ippra«td for utc in ihc treaimcM of obaiiy. Mazi miot. phcmcrminc. bcrarplinaminc. and phcndimcirazinr arc approvęd for only łhon-rcrm usc (ot ihr rrcai-

mmi of    __

FOA approril wiihdr-wnT'^ ^    »

FDA arnHiw^    j


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