Wyższa Szkoła Języków Obcych fm. Samuela Bogumiła Lindego n
[>escriptivc Grammar
Syn ta i; A Morphology ' f I /*N '
Eiam Junc 28.2013 i IĄ\ \
T",c UJM1
I. Provtde your own cxamples matching thc tcrras bclow: f. \
1) prcłcnt participlc - jccr-~ 6) auxi!wry verb-_ • '] f
2) supp!ctive adjective - djggtiw- 7) emphatic pronoun - ~~ ~~1 '
3) postckłcrminer ' 8) dcrivational afTix - chayj^c-
4) aflributivc form 9) countablc nóun - . __--
5) double genitivtf • ------ 10) subordioating' conjunction * ^ ///
2, Namc tbe morphological proccsscs chat took place In thc formation of thc followtng words front thc words given.
Dcditor edrt . .YłjwJ juJ .Uf.....1 fffl .............
4) chucKlc+snort chortlc ...iiikw&K...................
5) black+boanJ blackboard .. i
d)UniveristyofCalifomiaat Los Angeles UCLA ........vć^........ I
7) a professional a pro .........i*iĆ........../C1
9) act deactivate ........................
10) Acquircd (mmune Dcficiency Syndrome AIDS ....................
3. In the following sentcnce identify themntie rolcs. gramntatical functions (subject, objcct etc.) and parts of speech.
Mary gave John a prosem łasi week.
Parts of speech: iww nuL - ao-^' Acóa x J 1\ooa \u/',
Grammatical functions: y (
Thematic ro|es: ^
4. IJnderline subordinatc clanses and identify thc typcs:
1) John left after tite party was over. .. J?^v.........
2) Whoevcr told you that lied to you. ; .-(A• ■ ®‘ 1
3) The fact that you did it guickly should be helpfuL .. v:*b:r.: ...
4) Where did you mcct the girfwho was talking with Michael yesterday at the party? --
5) llfilrik that we shouldgo now. ............................
5. Are the followiag sentences simple, complex. compound or complex-compound?
1) My brother bought his wife a new car which was very expensive. ..........
2) 1 ani going to tell you that I like you. ...}■'rr..'/.^TT.
3) She will try as soon as she is ready, bil ii will probably lakę her a lot of time.......C&fcpfó'.:
6. Provide your own examples of clauses containing:
1) intranslth e verb and cognateobjecr Tl^ icCIulzL
2) monorransitive verb in agentłess passive Ww
3) linking verb and a VP S •^Xr • \f
4) negated di-transitive verb and one promminal objea J[^o- V6^oV .
5) preposilional verb o||<V ^(>\ 4 0