Windows 7 Build 70321234285537

Windows 7 Build 70321234285537

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fl Windows 7 Enterprise

Microsoft Windows

Version 6.1 (Buid 7032.0.amd64fre.«rman.090129-1812)

Copyright ® 2009 Microsoft Corporation. AJIrightsreserved.

The Windows 7 Enterprise operabng system and its user nterface are protected by trademart: and other pendng or exstng inteflectual property rtghts in the United States and other countnes.

Evabation copy. Expires 02-07.2009 00:59

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Wamng: Ths Computer program s protected by copyright la// and nternationol treaties.

Unauthonzed reproduebon or dstrbution of this program, or any por bon of it, may result in severe civil and crimnal penalbes, and wi be prosecuted to the maiomum extent possble inder the law.

Portons Copynght(c) 2002 SRS Labs, Inc

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Dienstag, 10. Februdr 2009

[10:55] Neuer Windows Mobile 6.5 [10:19] Googles neuer Sync-Semc [09:32] Firefox-Entwickler: Operas [00:34] Synkron 1.5.0 - Open-Sour [00:04] Core Temp 0.99.5 Beta - C

Vers«n: 8.0.7032.0

Gpher Strength: 256-bit

Product ID: 92816-315-4108017-70773

Update Versions: Rdease Candidate 1

Warnrg: This Computer program is protected by copynght law and International treabes. Unauthonzed reproduebon or dstnbubon of this program, or any porbon of it, may resiit in severe dvi and cnminal penalbes, and wll be prosecuted to the maxmum extent possble under the law.

fi2»2 Młgasofttaporfltifln

Montag, 09. Februar 2009

[18:21] Windows 7 Beta Build 7022 ins Internet gelangt (98) [17:42] Neuer 'Tm a PC"-Werbespot: Kinderieichtes Windows (92) [17:03] Samsung stellt Slider-Handy mit OLED-Display vor (24) [16:42] Kostensenkung: LG will 1,7 Milliarden Euro einsparen (6) [16:23] Gerucht: Apple plant fur 2009 drei neue iPhones (47) [15:51] BITKOM: Mobilfunkmarkt soli 2009 urn 6,6% wachsen (3) [15:15] Microsoft: Sync-Service SkyBox bald ais Beta-Version (is)

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Windows 7

Fortesting purposes only. Build 7032.winmainD90129-1812

. tj 4»    11:42 n

1    ^    10.02.2009


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