Simple Passive SEO

1 Site, 1 Keyword = $1,1226.16
& In ONE Month!
Discover Exactly How I Did It
So YOU Can, Too!
John Anderson
Produced By:
Introduction ................................................................................................... 3
Case Study Site:  Phen375 ........................................................................... 4
Part 1: Simple Niche Research ....................................................................... 5
Part 2: Simple Keyword Research .................................................................. 8
Part 3: Simple Site Set-Up .............................................................................11
Domain & Hosting ......................................................................................11
Install Wordpress .......................................................................................11
Install the Essential Plugins ........................................................................12
5 Other Mandatory Tweaks to the Site ......................................................17
Part 4: Adding Content & Simple Content Creation ......................................19
Part 5: How To Get Your Site Indexed In 24 Hours Or Less ...........................21
Part 6: How I Rank My Sites (To STAY) In 3 Weeks Or Less ...........................22
Free Backlinking Methods ..........................................................................22
Paid Backlinking Methods ..........................................................................23
Backlinking Strategy Process Overview ......................................................26
Conclusion ....................................................................................................27
I used to struggle with this  SEO thing. I used to complicate everything, go
after the wrong keywords (or too difficult keywords), and waste months
doing backlinking that didn t seem to go anywhere, let alone help my sites
very much. In the end, I usually ended up more frustrated than when I
You probably know what I m talking about.
Fortunately, I ve developed a formula that is getting me multiple #1 rankings
in Google like clockwork.
Now don t let me deceive you: I discovered this formula totally by accident. I
didn t think it would even work (or at least work well) the first time I tried it.
But instead of flopping like I was sure it would, here s what happened:
As you can see, my  accidental strategy did the opposite of flop. Instead, I
ended up with a solid #1 ranking for a keyword that makes me a passive
$1,000+ every single month.
Since then I ve tweaked the process even more to make it nearly clockwork.
Using the strategy I m going to reveal in the short PDF, you ll also be able to
rank sites and make money like clockwork... Without even worrying about
Pandas! (Or Grizzlies, or Koalas, or whatever other kind of update Google
throws at us Jð )
You want to know my secret? I keep it simple!
That s right: if you want the same results I ve achieved here, you ll need to
keep it simple. In this report, I m going to break down exactly how I did this
in as simple of a way as possible...
Case Study Site:  Phen375
Here s the exact site that s making me over $1,000 per month with next to
no work at all:
Looking at that site, it goes against the grain with what most  SEO Gurus
will tell you:
It has the word  scam in the URL
It s a  .info domain (I got it for $2.99 on
I outsourced nearly all the content (except for one main article)
As I said, I didn t think it would even work the first time I did this, but by
going outside the box I disproved some of the common  myths out there
and happily stumbled across a method few (if any) of the other top dogs are
So now that you have an idea of what these sites look like, I m going to take
you through the entire process so you can do this too.
Part 1: Simple Niche Research
When I first started this, I didn t have a lot of money. I m sure many people
reading this will be in the same boat that I was in, so I ll show you the
shortcuts to success I personally used instead of investing in all those
expensive tools to begin with.
For Niche Ideas I like to start with two sites:
There are others, of course. Here are a few that you can also check out:
The last 3 sites are a little more newbie-friendly and you can get into them
very easily. That s important, since it means you can move onto the next
step faster :)
You may have noticed that I didn t say to start out with Clickbank. Will
products from Clickbank work for this? Yes, of course they will.
But the point is that there s tons of other products and sites out there.
Clickbank is only a tiny little fraction of the products you can promote
as an affiliate, and there are affiliates making thousands - even
millions - of dollars promoting products on sites other than Clickbank.
As for niche markets, I like to promote products out of niches that are
 evergreen , meaning markets that people will always buy products out of
regardless of time of year, the economy, or anything else.
Take health/fitness for example. I know everyone always uses this an
example, but that s because the market is endless in terms of products,
buyers, and traffic, and there will never be a shortage of demand there.
There are also the general markets such as finance/money and
dating/relationships. If you go to any of the sites I listed above, you ll be
able to sift through the various markets and products yourself.
Say you head over there and type in  weight loss . Is that evergreen? Yes.
Will there be plenty of products to choose from to promote? Absolutely.
One key ingredient to finding good products to promote is to make sure that
the product is actually selling. On most networks, there will be indicators or
ways to filter the results according to how popular the products are.
Take for example. In the screenshot below, you ll notice the
popularity of the products is signified by a blue graph beside the product,
indicating which products are top-sellers:
These are some of the top products in this particular marketplace, and
they re all selling like hotcakes.
When you find a product that looks good (I ll expand on what I mean by
 looks good in the keyword section below this), simply apply for the
network. Now with sites like Clickbank, getting in is as easy as registering on
the site, but in some cases you ll have to be accepted by the site itself.
Note: If you have any problems with these networks just let me know.
Getting in is usually way easier than most people make it out to be, but
again- if you have problems with getting into a particular site, let me
know and I ll help you.
Make a list of 5-10 products that are selling well and that are popular, but
before you decide on one, there s the second (and more important) step in
the process: the keyword research.
Part 2: Simple Keyword Research
Keyword research is incredibly important here because this method focuses
on ranking your review site in Google for specific keywords.
The right keywords could mean the difference between a site that
makes $1,000/month versus one that makes $1/month.
I use 2 free tools for this step: the Google Keyword Tool and Traffic Travis.
Now although this step is really important, that doesn t mean it s super
complicated. It s not; it s actually very easy, so don t go making it harder
than it has to be.
Here s what to do:
Step 1
Take your list of products you made in the last step over to the Google
Keyword Tool (GKT from now on for short) and search for them using the
 Exact Match filter (like in the image below).
I prefer targeting keywords with 2,000 (or more) exact match searches, but
less is okay well as long as the payout is high on a particular offer. These
 product name keywords are ultra targeted, so you ll still get the right
visitors no matter what.
The long tail keyword that I love the most is  *product name+ scam because
most people are typing this into the search engines before they even buy it.
Thinking about it though, the people searching for this keyword would
be people interested in the product that are making sure it s not a
scam. Perfect, right?
So again, here is the magically converting, easy-to-rank-for keyword of
choice that I use  [product name] scam.
Here are a few other long-tail keywords to check out as well (both for
domain name ideas as well as what to rank for):
[product name] review
[product name] reviews
[product name] scams (<-- note the  s on the end)
Remember K.I.S.S. (Keep it Simple Silly!)
Step 2
The second check for keywords I always do is to run them through Traffic
Travis, an awesome free software (there s a paid version as well, but the
free one works just fine). Download it for free here if you don t have it yet.
For a free program, Traffic Travis does a great job at quickly analyzing the
competition. You can verify its accuracy by going to Google and checking it
out yourself and you ll find that it s spot-on with the on-page optimization
and the other factors it checks on the competing websites.
So for this step, open up Traffic Travis and click on the SEO tab, then on
Competition. Paste the keywords you found in Step 1 into the  keyword
field and click Fetch.
I m looking for keywords that are easy to rank for, and Traffic Travis does a
great job at analyzing the competition. The  Difficulty column tells you how
difficult the keyword would be to rank for.
A difficulty rating of  Medium Difficulty is the most competitive I ll go, and
the easier the better. Any higher than that and you re going to run into
more competition than you may be able to handle.
That s it; that s all I do! Even my chosen keyword from my case study site
 phen375 scam has a difficulty of  Medium Difficulty , and I was able to
rank for it fairly easily.
Again: don t complicate this. All you re doing is taking the product-name
keywords, checking their Exact Match search volume in the GKT, and then
checking the competition in Traffic Travis.
This is usually a 10-15 minute process for me, so don t take all day with it.
Part 3: Simple Site Set-Up
Domain & Hosting
You need a domain to put this review site on, and as you can see, I was able
to get the #1 ranking with an  .info domain. Head on over to NameCheap
and you can find  .info domains for only $2.99.
You ll also need hosting as well, if you don t already have it. I choose to go
with Hostgator, and you can get hosting with them here if you don t already
have it.
Install Wordpress
Once you have your domain and hosting, log into your control panel and
install Wordpress on the main/root domain (using the  Fantastico Deluxe
icon). If you re not familiar with how to do this, let me know and I can help
you out.
Once Wordpress is installed, pick out a theme to customize your site. There
are literally a ton of free themes out there that you can use. I personally like
 Shades of Blue . It is a simple, clean, SEO-friendly theme and it works great
for me.
I have included some Wordpress installation videos as a bonus for you in
case you get stuck with this. There are a ton of videos on YouTube as well,
and if you don t want to mess with this at all you can always hire someone
over at
Install the Essential Plugins
These plugins are the important part of this system. Most of the ones I use
are free, but some are paid. If you get all of the ones I recommend below
you will rank a lot faster (and likely make more money), but if you are just
starting out online or don t have a budget yet then you can just get the free
ones for now.
Easy WP ($37)  or SEOpressor ($97, but there s a $7 trial for 7 days when you
use that link provided)
Free Substitute: Yoast s Free Wordpress SEO Plugin
Google XML Sitemaps
Qody s Redirector Plugin
Free Substitute: WP Exit Window
Fast Secure Contact Form
Pretty Link
Bad Behavior
Quick Cache
WP Only Wire Auto Poster
Sociable for Wordpress
All-In-One SEO
Limited Login Attempts
Most of all the plugins above are plug-and-play, but you ll have to set up a
couple in a certain way.
All-In-One SEO
Setting this one up is easy. To make it easy for you, just use the picture
below as a guide and replace your product s name/keywords (and make
sure to select the  Plugin Status: Enabled button).
& Then click Update Options at the bottom of the page and you will have this
all set up:
Pretty Links
This plugin creates a cloaked (and clean) link, which is helpful for getting
customers to click your links.
Without this, unless you set up redirects through your hosting, you ll
have long affiliate-looking links, which are just unattractive.
To set this up, click  Add a Pretty Link :
Then add in your affiliate link. I name the pretty link something like
 GoProductName . Once that is done you just hit create and you are done:
This is what your finished affiliate link will look like:
Now all you have to do is copy and paste this link wherever your call to
action is.
Tip: I always make sure to have a call to action  above the fold so that
the person sees it before they have to scroll down on the site. This looks
super clean and will help your conversions a lot.
Quick Cache
This is a cool plugin that helps your site run faster and can help your overall
SEO efforts.
Just click Enable and save the changes:
A Plugin That  Redirects
This is the secret tactic I ve found that nearly DOUBLED my income and EPC
for the product I was promoting.
When people get to your site, it s important to be able to capture as much
traffic as possible and get it to the affiliate site. A fraction of the people will
click on the links and the call to action on your blog, but what do you do
about the people that go to leave?
You can easily send so many more visitors to the affiliate site simply by
adding some form of an exit pop-up script/plugin to your site.
There are 2 amazing paid options: WP Traffic Cop and Qody s Redirect
Plugin, and a free version that still works fine: WP Exit Window.
The difference in the free option versus the paid options is this: using the
paid options, when someone even scrolls outside of the main blog window,
they are automatically redirected to whatever site you want& Like the
affiliate site via your affiliate link Jð
With the free option, they actually have to attempt to click out of the page,
and when they do they re shown this window:
Does it work? Of course! Just use this until you can invest in either paid
option. What matters is that when someone leaves your site, they re
stopped by SOMETHING.
5 Other Mandatory Tweaks to the Site
Once you have added all the plugins and set them up like I showed you
above you are going to have to add the framework of your site.
Add the  Pages
First we ll add the basic pages so you can be compliant with Google:
You ll at least want to have these pages:
Privacy Policy
Lucky for you, I have included templates for these 3 pages along with this
manual so all you have to do is tweak them according to your site and
you re good to go.
To add the pages, click on Add Page in your Dashboard under  Pages and
add each one. Copy and paste the template into the corresponding page,
tweak it for your site/campaign, and you re done with this step.
Change the Permalinks
Under the Settings tab in your Dashboard, click on  Permalinks . Select
 Custom Structure and use this structure for the permalinks:
The  / s and  % s surrounding the  postname are very important. Make
sure it looks like this:
Update those changes and you now have better URL structures.
Remove the Default Wordpress Links
Click on  Links on the sidebar. You ll see a whole list of links preloaded on
your site. Select all of these links and delete them.
Delete the Sample Page & Post
Next, delete the preloaded  Hello World! post, as well as the  Sample
They come stock on all Wordpress sites, and we don t need them here.
Add Tracking To Your Website
You ll want to make sure to set up a solid tracking platform such as or a perfectly good free one, Google Analytics. It is a matter
of personal preference, but you can use whatever you like. The important
thing is that you can see what all your visitors are doing on your sites.
Note: This is also important if you would want to sell your site for a nice
lump sum later down the line.
Part 4: Adding Content & Simple Content Creation
Your review site is going to need content; there s no getting around it. But,
this is one part that you outsource if you want to.
I d recommend you create your first article, the main article that has your
call-to-action at the bottom. This article should be focused on the keyword
you built your site around (like  *product name+ scam , for example). Also, I
shoot for a keyword density of 2%.
For reference, check out my site to see how I do this: Model how I have it; it s the easiest way to
& Ok well the main content page on that site is actually 600+ words
that I wrote and added myself, but still... You don t need to have really
long content; just really good content.
Now if you re not a writer or can t stand writing posts yourself, here s how
to outsource this part:
I d recommend starting with the Warrior Forum first, specifically the
 Content creators in the  Warriors For Hire section. You can find amazing
writers in there for dirt-cheap.
I ve been ordering content from W3 for a while now and they are good (and
also from the Warrior Forum), but you can go through whoever you like. I
usually order 5 pieces of 500-word content for my niche review sites. For
this amount of content (using W3), the total cost is only $17.50.
Regardless of who creates your content though, I d recommend you get
articles based on these keywords:
[Product name] scam (ex.  Phen375 scam )
[Product name] (by itself& ex:  Phen375 )
[Product name] review (ex:  Phen375 review )
LSI Keyword (ex:  how to lose weight )
LSI Keyword (ex:  best fat burners )
I ve seen some recent courses and  SEO gurus out there claiming you need
to have pieces of content with 1,000+ words for the new Panda update.
That s just not true& This way, I m saving money and still ranking #1 Jð.
If you outsource the content writing, run it through to make
sure it s unique, and proof read the grammar for errors.
Quick note: you re going to be adding the content onto your site as blog
posts. (I ll cover WHEN and HOW to add the content in the next section.)
As the content is added to the site, tweak the on-page optimization using
whatever SEO plugin you re using. If you picked up either Easy WP SEO or
SEOpressor, aim for around 100% (although I m only at 91% and my site is
still ranking #1). If you get anything over 95% you will be WAY ahead of
most of the competition for your keywords.
Note: If you re using Yoast s free SEO Plugin, it s a little different in that
it doesn t have an  Optimization Meter like the other 2 paid plugins,
but it still walks you through optimizing your content so you can knock
this out even with the free tools.
Part 5: How To Get Your Site Indexed In 24 Hours Or Less
Once you have added your first piece of content and publish it, you need to
get your site indexed in the search engines.
First I ping my site on and I then head over to and bookmark the site. This process usually gets your site
indexed in 24 hours or less. Do not start backlinking until your site is
How do you know if your site is indexed? That s easy, just head over to
Google and type in your site in the Search field like this:
When your site is indexed, it will show up in the search results, so if you see
it then you re indexed. If not, you re just going to have to wait a little bit
longer or you can go to and bookmark your site there. Digg is a
very popular site and the Google spiders are crawling it constantly, so your
site can get indexed pretty quickly that way.
After your site is indexed, add the remaining articles/content as blog posts
every few days or so. The timing is not critical so don t get hung up on this
step. You re only  drip feeding the content every few days or so.
The most important thing is to add content on a regular basis. This will lower
your bounce rate and keep your visitors on your site much longer and will
increase the chances of them buying something.
Part 6: How I Rank My Sites (To STAY) In 3 Weeks Or Less
There are almost an unlimited number of methods that you can use to rank
your site. Also, you can get high rankings for keywords like the ones
discussed in this report since they re not that competitive, so it won t take a
lot of time to get there.
You also don't have to pay a lot of money either. In the resources section I
have included a file that tells you how much this is going to cost. There are
free ways to do this and paid ways, but honestly I d just spend the money to
do the paid ways. Like I said, I have it down to a science and all my methods
are proven (you ve seen that in the screenshots from my case study site).
And in case you don t have the money or if you re just starting out, I
am also including a free/low cost backlinking resource for you.
Okay so here is exactly what I m doing to get my #1 rankings in Google. It s
very simple and straight forward, so don t overcomplicate this:
Free Backlinking Methods
Free Method #1:
One of the first things I like to do with my sites is bookmark them. I usually
do this manually, but you can outsource it if you want. Just find someone on
either Fiverr or in the  Warriors For Hire section of the Warrior Forum to
find people to do it for you for cheap.
With Social Marker, you simply register to the sites you d like to bookmark
your links to, and then go down the line submitting your link. You only have
to register to the sites once, then after that it only take 10 minutes or less to
submit your content.
This is one of the activities I do on a weekly basis, sometimes more. Hey, this
will take some work, but the rewards are worth it. (Note: don t do this
MORE than once a week. Adding too many links to your sites too quickly is a
bad thing.)
Free Method #2:
Social Monkee is a great free tool that automatically submits your site and
anchor texted links for you. It gives you up to 25 free links each day, and you
can upgrade your account if you d like more (I think it s up to 100/day, but
I ve only ever used the free version).
Paid Backlinking Methods
Paid Method #1: Blog Blueprint
To rank your site, you need backlinks. You could either spend time acquiring
links one by one, or you could leverage other sites out there to get them
faster and in massive amounts.
One way to go about getting massive backlinks is to use Blog Blueprint. This
is a network of high-PR blogs that automatically submits your blog
comments to other high-PR blogs in a way that looks natural to the search
All you have to do is go in there, type up a short little paragraph with your
anchor texted backlink in it, and add them to the  queue . Blog Blueprint
will go out and submit those comments randomly in a natural way, even
from different IP addresses.
In all, it s a GREAT resource for automated link building. The only downside
is that it costs $57/month to be a member of Blog Blueprint, but it s more
than worth it.
Make sure that at the end of each post you submit you have your main
keyword and URL. Using my Phen375 site as an example, I d include the
keyword  phen375 scam with the link to my site,
Loophole: If you don t want to pay the monthly fee for Blog Blueprint or
don t have the money just yet, just head on over to and
search for  blog blueprint on there.
There are several reliable gigs that will submit your anchor-texted blog
comments into the Blog Blueprint network, only you re not paying a
monthly fee& That way, you can only use this service when you need
to, instead of being committed to it every single month.
Here s the link to check out Blog Blueprint. There are all the video tutorials
you need on that site, as well as a more in-depth explanation on exactly how
it works.
I use that, and just spin my short 100-word comments so they look even
more natural going into the blog network. If you don t know how to spin
articles or text, I d recommend outsourcing this as well. In fact, this gig on
Fiverr includes spinning the content in addition to submitting it to the Blog
Blueprint network. (I ve used that person for links a lot, so I know they re
Paid Method #2: .EDU Link Packages on Fiverr
The next thing I like to do is order a gig on Fiverr for a package of  .EDU
backlinks. Sure there are free ways to find these links (one at a time), but I d
rather just save the time and spend $5 to outsource it.
One important thing when getting these gigs is to check the feedback of the
users. You only want people that are established and reputable. Otherwise,
you could end up wasting a lot of money on Fiverr. (But the people that DO
usually don t look around and check feedback and reviews before ordering.)
If you do a search on Fiverr for  .edu backlink submission or even just  .edu
backlinks , you ll find countless gigs that you can order. Here s one that has
over 5,000 orders with 100% positive feedback: here s the link.
Paid Method #3: Authority Link Network Submission (on Fiverr)
I also like Authority Link Network submissions. This is one I ve ordered
several times on Fiverr and it s always given me great results: Authority Link
Network submissions.
This one is especially awesome because in addition to the blog submissions
it also gives you YouTube video backlinks. And to top it off, the blogs in the
network are between PR1 and PR4, so the automated links it will create for
you can really go a long way.
Backlinking Strategy Process Overview
Overall, this is a pretty easy and straightforward process and should take
less than 20 minutes per day:
The first thing that I do with each site is to order the  .edu links from Fiverr,
then submit the site to the social bookmarking sites in
Then I wait a couple days for those links to set, at which time I focus on the
Blog Blueprint (BB) and Authority Link Network (ALN) submissions. I like to
buy one order of both Blog Blueprint spins/submissions AND an order of
ALN submissions EACH DAY FOR 5 DAYS.
So yes- I m spending $10 per day for 5 days using this strategy. That s only a
grand total of $50 (5 orders of each gig) at $10/day.
Now I know what some people may be thinking here&  Oh great, I
have to actually SPEND money to do this?
Honestly, at some point in your IM journey you ll realize you have to
spend money to make money. I m showing you how to get #1 rankings
that bank me $1,000+ every single month, and it only costs $50 to do.
To me that s worth it.
Sure there s other ways of doing this, but this is a proven system and
this way you re outsourcing almost all of it.
Notes On Ranking Using These Strategies
Keep in mind you are ranking for a long-tail keyword and there s usually not
a lot of competition for  product name scam keywords.
Using this strategy you will rank faster and make more money while all the
other affiliates are struggling to get on the first page for the main product
keyword. That, and using the redirect plugin like I talked about before, you ll
make more money from the traffic that your site DOES get.
Sure, the main  product name keywords get more traffic, but anything with
the product-name keyword is extremely targeted.
By getting to the top of Google for any keywords with the product name in
it, you re putting your site in front of the most targeted visitors you possibly
And yes- these visitors are looking to buy, they just need to make sure it s
not all one big SCAM Jð
I used to joke with people saying that SEO stood for  Slow Earnings Online .
But by building sites how I show you in this report, you can make money in
less than a month instead of taking forever for little to no results.
I really hope that this inspires you to take action and start making your first
sales online. Once you put in the initial work and small investment, you ll
have passive sites making you sales and money every single day like
After all, the key to success online is to take massive action on a proven
business model that works. This is that business model.
Just imagine where you ll be if build out 10 sites like this. One site making
over $1,000 per month is awesome, but with 10 sites you can be making
$10,000 per month. Now that is a lot of money for one person, especially if
you are single like me Jð
Good luck and I hope you take action on this, because it s absolutely
possible and the opportunities are endless.
To Your Success,
John Anderson
P.S. If you need any help or have any questions, you can email me at:


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