Obraz0002 (3)

Obraz0002 (3)


i JtSerttiT^-rh€«tiowfr,ge.<cc*fts (crOYidc^ftetftł^-tt^ r/ur.e Lurrcr- Kr.en

appiicablc - ar.d the namc of the Iiteraxy::penod to which a givcn work belcngs). Answer

one accompanying ąucstion m approximatcly lOOwords.    . •

On PiOicJkfch lynioliori    Ihaąźtj

^    - . • -----• "i • ;    ~    /j /

«Ji'dLeu^ Zl/SŁcl IO CUjAbbrbJ>*Q fcl^O^C ^

rcuLrdfl/r. Tkt^K/ '**-    ^

Coato^Yf o/    0>vi_

The r2vea bimself is hoarse That croaks the fata] entfance ofDuncan Under my battienents. Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,

And fiil mc from the crown to ths toe top-full Of dirsst cru.clty! make thickmy blood;

Stop up the access and passage to rsmorse, . j-f*, {L^ĄoL cxf

That r.o compuncdcus visi6ngs of naturę ' ,Tl ■ „V 0, ,    ,,,    ,    ,    CwihrM <5foytv,

Snake myfeilpornosa, norkesppeacc beween    , / i

The effect and it! Come to my.woman'5 fcreasts,.    iPf , .    /    -'--s

^dt*=mym!kforgĄyoumUrf«mgmimst=rs,^    V ^TSnT»/« ««.

\Vhereverm yoursighilesssuostances    otu-c

You wait cnn-turefc mischief! Ccme, thick night,    U^rtC a! Cx,>A

And pall thee h the dunnest smoke of heli,    v    fr.

That my kecn knjfe see not fce wound it makes,    Ora oL/    !j6    o (A ^ •i.V,    >

Norheavenpesoihro-.'ghtfce blenket ofiederk,    ^

*    »^V rAlounic flr-j    CL-Vł^ *iO    ^ - ćłfi

JloodUj. oLcx&-S u ^7o    ze. ■ ^

Who says thess words? Discuss the connection(s) betweea tiŁ iicegeiy and the themes^    . •

broaght up in this excerpt and the imagery and the themes of the whole work.

vw»t,*n»:<& Jod.    ^ ■'!

/ , /L a/a]| .    1 'tuprnkoufTasS au*^'

iL/»« »J.'łk«. i._ą-:.sU_-

o*A> (mi\. ^



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To ery


Is this ths region, ±is the    clime,

Saidthen the lost Archangei, thisthe se£t i hat we enust chzngs for Heavea?-thrs jr-curnn:!

For that celestial ifght? Be it so, sińce he *\

Who r.ow is sovereip can dispose and bidN What shsl! fce right: rarthest from him is^sst v\. Whom reason hath ecua-led, fcrce hath madę supreme \ AboYs his equais. Farewełi, happyffelds,

Whsre joy for ever d\ve!;s! Haiifhorrors! hail,

Infernal world! and fr.cn, orcfcundest Heli,

Receiye thy new pcsses^cr-one who brings A rr»lnd not to be chzćgcd by place or time.

e nund is its owm place, ar.d in itseif Can make aHeaven ofHeli, aKeil ofHeayen.. What maiterwhere, ifl be still the same,

And what I snould be, ail but less th.an he Whom thuader ha-h madę greatec? Here at Ieast We sball be free; th' Almight)' hath nor baiJt Here for his cnyy, will not drive us hence:

'Hęre we may reign secure: and, in my choice, To reim is worth ambition, though in Heli: Better tb«jun in Heli than seryc in Heaven.

X. w

f1| ItOh,

Should tfcese tvords fce trealed as a proof of heroism or stuobom foolishr.css? Justify your opiruon. •    / //

3)- \ \ //'

MAIUC but^dii^Sea. and mćrkm^tms,

How iittle m£t wfcjch theu dsmest me is;    »

It suck'd rneftfst, and nov^c1ćs tfc.ee,

And in this fleabur two ęióods icingled fce.

Tnou kno\Vst th\t^ius^clńr.ct be said

A sin, nor shame, nbfioss of maidenhead ;

Yet this enj oy^fóje it woo,

And pampeddiv/elis\iih one blood madę of two ;

And this, afzs ! is rr.ore\an we wouid do.


In what sy£fńse thef.ea coiild besaid to be fcetter off than the speaker? Discuss this kiad of



reasonidg and place in the coritext\f the appropriate iiterary traditioa

.m .


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