



texte/r (Simerhmto, (knnaMi 52.19 54

Kimmig \N 1992, fiimdmte v J i gnlto», |in 11 Aigncr^oreati (cd L 1992.2 Rnslianscn K , |99t i

%,łut\\ kiK‘i"    toal\;uu kw&' w > SUsaa Aniapia f'

MW /Vm«k/, (Mi 11 SwaAMma

■AM»MH»cł4tien RdmiKhiicnnantwhc^    •• 1^. Maou

Jter iMAMMa itor mśmrmm teamu

MOIlcr-Kaipc U . 199|, f)ic IWZjrttfw Antrarr «tor ttoambbbfitt 9M| irlgc /ui \\mv uikI Frtlhgcwhkhic o. Muiwtoa Skuli \ , 1971, />#€*    Aw/fi-* mJ Uantoatupu Ate •***

f fltof «to t/;s n. Hambuigea IWuntyy rur \ivhav'K^u’ PI, '* i Buce Mn 1995. /A, /mw Vurte*ian* fi"* fienHsUtr Ml U l»HW m /N» /'/.hm ani/ ito 4bnar /Wwv |ia;| J SwadRww s

, Anaa, Miactenct Br

iitwk    tws"*' krtea/ito tte

S Wttlkoi. F Rotom ifik V 1993,9 44

ii Yillanman m central Europę may be stated at the cnd of ihc Umtrcld pcnod tfateeH availablc sowtes indteate thal initially we cncountcr such mate-ruK nhicfc mm dtsperscd. rart and fitoled to ha\e a signiticant influenco on kicał Products as pB ** on local communities and relationships between them.

Hewew, || shall not underestimatc the valuc of thosc single imports, hc-cmat for B communities Kving out of luK they sened as sourccs of pattems of wnous objeets, which with tinte would become moro and morę popular. In iH contacts aitb the south of Europo were developed starting from HaC\ and Twhcdihctr n| in HaD T)kit influence on “haitmnan communities" was sigm I -Kani H caused real changes m their li testy le, cspecially the lifoslyle of the elitcs which cmcrfcd al thal time.

f&OSt intcnsc contacts we pwsiblc thanks to kwg-distancc routes, which ma\ he icconstructcd to a certam degrec through discoveries Nevertheless. \vc kaem \try telle about the organisation of trade or even cechangc Wc may sup* pole thal probabh bom the begiimmg of the Hallstatt period the interno naturo of nade contacts or umpły cechingc caused thal this trade conccntratcd in the haiuls of certain groups and was controllcd by them Thal resultcd in hierarchization of commumacs and crcanon of local anstocracy. Emcrging of thal "chicftain" dass we ma> tmjucnth cumrne in exccptionally wcalthy gravcs. equipped with lu\u nom products bom the South.

Wuk time thal rcsults in changcs in sociul rclations, which may bc cspecially obsened B Hal) period wilhin the west Hallstatt cultural circle Thcre appeared some local lemtonal rulers, w ho controllcd particular arcas. as well as goods, which were tnnsported through thosc arcas The rulers became strong. so pro* twbł) aho important for the southem communities because of politicul reasons Thertforc we ma> regard them as partners to a certam dcgrec - in trade and firhmgr


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52 (247) 54 Rozdział 2 Tab. 2.8. Wyszczególnienie Okres I Okres 11 A B C A B C Sprzedaż w
312 W. Kaczmarek, M. Misiejuk Oprogramowanie zostało przetestowane na robocie Kawasaki w firmie AB I
IMG19 Rak żołądka, Polska 2000 3174 zgonów 11/100 000 - standaryzowany wsp. umieralności 21/100 000
52 (19) I HfHpilt MMhuami ■Itak rutni rotTgłą fitayMaF* wtwti. la w MM    tfMptfl ■
S ONECZNIKIN130053bd1f0 miejsce na nadruk2 1 i i L 8 9 10 u 1? ,6 17 18 19 20 2[ 22 2S 26 2? 28 29i
S6302490 IT. Inne Lp. 48 49 50 51 52 55 54 55 56 Bazwa Oznaczenie Hec bani za maltański Hechaaiza
IMG 8 *1. 1$ *51. d+b 2. e 52. d 3. e 53. d 4. e 54. e 5.
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Seite0 31(1) V?19. Weihnaehłshaus Materiał Window-Color-Farben in WeiB, Gelb, Dottergelb, Elfenbein,
IX 3 Index IX Number, anchorage, berth ...................IF 19, IN 11-12, IQ 42 Numerous moorings

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