function dbase create

dbase_createPodręcznik PHPPoprzedniNastępnydbase_create (PHP 3, PHP 4 )dbase_create -- Creates a dBase databaseDescriptionint dbase_create ( string filename, array fields) The fields parameter is an array of arrays, each array describing the format of one field in the database. Each field consists of a name, a character indicating the field type, a length, and a precision. The types of fields available are: L Boolean. These do not have a length or precision. M Memo. (Note that these aren't supported by PHP.) These do not have a length or precision. D Date (stored as YYYYMMDD). These do not have a length or precision. N Number. These have both a length and a precision (the number of digits after the decimal point). C String. If the database is successfully created, a dbase_identifier is returned, otherwise FALSE is returned. Przykład 1. Creating a dBase database file// "database" name $dbname = "/tmp/test.dbf"; // database "definition" $def = array( array("date", "D"), array("name", "C", 50), array("age", "N", 3, 0), array("email", "C", 128), array("ismember", "L") ); // creation if (!dbase_create($dbname, $def)) print "<strong>Error!</strong>"; PoprzedniSpis treściNastępnydbase_closePoczątek rozdziałudbase_delete_record


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