rup review record FBDA6FEC

Work Product (Artifact): Review Record

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Work Product (Artifact): Review Record

Created to capture the results of a review activity in which one or more project artifacts are reviewed.


 To primarily capture the results or conclusions of review activity and identify any action items arising from the review.


Modified By:

Technical Reviewer

Output From

Review the Architecture


Main Description A Review Record is an assessment work product specialized for capturing the results of review activities.

Brief Outline 1. Project Identification and Type of Review Identify the project and the type of review; for example, code inspection, requirements traceability review, PRA project review, project planning review. 2. Work products Reviewed and Objectives of the Review List the work products that will be the subject of this review and describe the objectives of the review. 3. Review Participants List the individuals who will participate in the review and their roles during the meeting; for example, moderator, note-taker, reviewer, author. 4. Schedule & Location Identify the schedule for the review. Include the date, time and place of the review meeting, and also a publication schedule for the review work products if they are not attached to the review record. 5. Problems Identified and Recommendations for Resolution List any problems identified during the review. Reviewers may identify: Problems with the review work products that require correction; that is, defects Project problems whose symptoms are identified from the review work products Product problems whose symptoms are identified from the review work products The review team may make recommendations on problem resolution. 6. Action Item Status List any action items resulting from the review; these should be listed with an identified owner (responsible for action completion) and target date. These will typically be action items intended to correct the problems identified. Action items may include: Continue work:  Work product is not considered complete and development work should continue  Raise Work Orders:  If problem requires new work to be planned but doesn't change a baselined work product  Raise Change Requests:  If problem requires change to baselined work products  There may exist action items from previous reviews of this work product, and these should be listed with their status (for example, open/closed), owner, and target or closure date. 7. Issues for Consideration by the Project Manager Certain problems or anomalies may be discovered for which a course of action cannot be agreed on by the review team, and which needs to be escalated for resolution. 8. Follow-up Review Describes the review team's recommendations for follow-up (for example, whether another review is necessary) and what, if any, additional information or data is needed. 9. Record of Effort Captures the effort-hours spent in review preparation and conduct.





Representation Options While all projects should use this work product, the level of formality will be differ from project-to-project based on factors such as how formal the relationship is between customer and developer, or how formal the developer's own organization is with regard to process compliance. For example, the project charter may state that reviews are subject to audit: in this case the work product will typically be treated as an auditable record of the review and its conclusions While this work product is primarily used to capture the results of a review, it can also be used as a specialized work order or control document to manage the execution of the review. When used for this purpose it is issued to the participants in the review prior to the review meeting to initiate the review activity.

More Information


Review Levels

Review Record â€" Informal Representation


©  Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 2006.  All Rights Reserved.



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