function icap store event 33KQ2HD7LI6WQJ777SHF3FIUI4BTQ5XYF66BZGY

icap_store_eventPodręcznik PHPPoprzedniNastępnyicap_store_event (PHP 4 >= 4.0.0)icap_store_event -- Store an event into an ICAP calendarDescriptionstring icap_store_event ( int stream_id, object event) icap_store_event() Stores an event into an ICAP calendar. An event object consists of: int public - 1 if public, 0 if private; string category - Category string of the event. string title - Title string of the event. string description - Description string of the event. int alarm - Number of minutes before the event to sned out an alarm. datetime start - datetime object of the start of the event. datetime end - datetime object of the end of the event. All datetime entries consist of an object that contains: int year - year int month - month int mday - day of month int hour - hour int min - minutes int sec - seconds Returns TRUE on success and FALSE on error. PoprzedniSpis treściNastępnyicap_list_eventsPoczątek rozdziałuicap_delete_event


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