
install the program (Fastavr 4.0.1) and then copy the crack to where fastavr.exe are.
run it and you are done.

What the crack does is makes you able to use more than 100 lines of code
it also deletes the nasty routines that deletes files from your drive.
I did'nt remove the requester ..just click allright and start coding..
(it was 08:30 in the morning and i did'nt have any sleep so i did'nt feel like removing it).

Now about the crack .... here is how it was done..

.text:004E075E cmp word_0_5AF168, ax
.text:004E0765 mov al, byte_0_5AF04E
.text:004E076A setnle cl
.text:004E076D neg cl
.text:004E076F and al, 1 <----------- Put 0 here and 100 lines limit's gone.
.text:004E0771 test al, cl
.text:004E0773 jz short loc_0_4E0793
.text:004E0775 mov edx, offset dword_0_41533C
.text:004E077A lea ecx, [ebp+var_2C]

The last 10 bytes or so needs to be filled with zeros..

And all killfiles calls are removed too .. just to be sure no files are removed from the drive..

/Cracked by SHITX0RZ deluxe.. . 27-07-2004


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