PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

  Thanks to:
 VA Linux Systems

  Related sites:
Zend Tech.


Hypertext Preprocessor

PHP Conference - Call for Participation
The conference will be part of the O'Reilly Open Source
Convention alongside the 5th annual Perl Conference at the Sheraton San
Diego Hotel and Marina, San Diego, California, July 23-27, 2001. All the
details on submitting talks are in the full CFP.

PHP 4.0.4 Released
Dec 19, 2000. This release includes
improvements for a large number of defects
and numerous enhancements in the PHP core,
the language implementation and
extensions. Download,

PHP 3.0.18 released
October 21, 2000. PHP 3.0.18 was released. This is a bug-fix release, including
fixes for file uploads and a backported imagetypes() function from PHP 4.0. The
contains a full list of changes.

Improve your PHP skills
Looking for clear and useful guides to build dynamic web-sites using
PHP? Our Books Resource Center lists now
more than a dozen books in eight different languages. If you know
about more PHP-related books, tell us about them!

Manual Search Tip
You can go directly to PHP manual pages with a URL such as

Tips and Tricks Section
Check out our tips page for some "neat" things, PHP-related.
It's a little sparse right now, but feel free to make suggestions!

Zend Optimizer Beta Released!
Zend Technologies has announced the availability of
the Zend Optimizer for PHP 4.0. The optimizer is available for
free download.

New usage stats for October available

Netcraft and E-Soft have
published the October results for their Web Server surveys - both
of which continue to show impressive growth for PHP. Check out the usage page.

What is PHP?

PHP is a server-side, cross-platform, HTML embedded scripting language.
If you are completely new to PHP and want to get some idea of how it works,
have a look at the Introductory Tutorial. Once you get
beyond that have a look at the example archive sites and some of the other
resources available in the Links section.

So, how much does it cost?

This may sound a little foreign to all you folks coming from a non-Unix
background, but PHP doesn't cost anything. You can use it for commercial
and/or non-commercial use all you want. You can give it to your friends,
print it out and hang it on your wall or eat it for lunch. Welcome to
the world of Open Source software!
Smile, be happy, the world is good. For the full legalese, see the
official license.

Year 2000 Compliance
Just like your C compiler or your favourite text editor, PHP is just about as
year 2000 compliant as your pencil. If you're still worried (perhaps all
pencils are built to break on December 31st 1999?) -
read this.

Older information


Located inUnited States

Elements of this website are subject to copyright.
Questions about installing or using PHP should be directed to one of the mailing lists.
Only questions about the website should be directed to


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