SB    Administrator; Command Prompt - kubectl procy

IPI Endpoint Iser: adnin

flicrosoft Windows [Uersion 6.3.9600]

<c> 2013 Microsoft Corporation, fili rights reseroed.

C:\Users\fidninistrator>pks login -a pks.corp.local -u admin -p MXoIThjoSxm2NBUN0 h_fijKm51gozQH61 -k



C:\Users\fidministrator>pks get-credentials my-cluster

Fetching credentials for cluster my-cluster.

Context set for cluster ny-cluster.

You can now switch between clusters by using:

$kubectl config use-context <cluster-nane>

C:\Users\ftdninistrator>kubectl proxy Starting to seroe on


& vSphere - esx-05a.co...

pf C:\hol\LabStartup.ps...


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