; J ♦ iijie f°r a FE leason in on*» ■'"-V,;---
I ł lt mH»-v aohools. Pupila from ® of fizoaoCi ‘"*•*-,t
• I *?I1 ttyt*1' oufc of 28 pupiis **na<ie vhxr 8
J %$> •*• the oŁher“v • 0r% 16 ar* £ >* 1!
I S ipB classes durtng one school v« °r allr»ost ’
1 w hftU °r feW0r olasses- y ar' 11% went !
I ryeryboW knows about the benee,
I Stislng sport. It improyes heahtf °f / Ss feel better- develops our chart-, ’ makes
| ^na^ersaregettlngheaviert^KPollsh !
I ; in other Kuropean countrłes. Not h than teens !
i %*3ioairm*****» Cla^hlng en°^:
1 leason for this. So, why aren’t they^® maln ; | -pB is bormg. The boya play footha„ m Cla8S? !
I *rls play volleyball - andlhat°s an ’ and the 1
I !gays Amelia, one of the studenta do-’ f VHIB Who isn t tn claes at the I ! dassmate, Adrian, adds, ‘And the^ent Her
• >'showers. Our PE lessons are in tho are no
and I don’t want to smell all davr RItmrigs ! I nave a doctor’s notę excusing thPm °f them the whole term. 8 Ulem from PE for
; them to later in the dąy and buiirii^ v g / are just some of the tWn^^ S^hfa0Wers ; get teenagers morę active. be done 10
* to^theaartide?a(*Van*a^eS d°ing S*50rt’ according According tothe aniele, thanks to sport people:
2 My are Polish teenagers weight faster than teenagers in other European countries?
Polish teenagers are gaining weight faster than teenagers in other European countries because
Adrian doesn’t attend PE lessons because there
8 Ves 0fco y0U9°"1
Prospect Sd V
ll\e Grai
Meet at scho,
Match start
Drinks after We expect to
A Mat tir footbal B Athalf
8 SWyoł przygot Opisz v poniżs