NATALIE LAURENT Baldrick College Swinton SW4 8BT m. I aurent@gmail .com 14 October 2008

ACE CONSULTANTS 45 Strand London WC2 8LK

Dear Mr. White,

I am finał year student of the Baldrick College at Strategie Management major. Receiving a job as a strategie management consultant in one of the best consulting companies - Ace Consultants would be a great start of my career.

My university course has prepared me how to get excellent touch with clients, colleagues and superiors because of plenty internships during whole academic education. I am also honest, reliable person who is always punctual and well-organized.

Since 1 work for some charity organizations I have develop a few additional skills like using the Microsoft Office software, forcing with stressful situations and helping people to obtain their goals.

As you can see from my CV I have a lot to offer to Ace Consultants. i would appreciate the opportunity to meet you to discuss my skills, capabilities and experience in greater detail. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Natalie Laurent

Anna Szczygieł, KrDZGal014, GaA0045B2


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