4 boring
5 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 Our latest example of creative / creatń/ity at Pizza World is the Super Six, a 6-cheese mega-pizza.
2 To be honest / honesty, l'd rather stay at home this afternoon. Why don't we do the shopping online instead?
3 You have already eaten three pieces of cake. Do you realise that greed / greedy is not an attractive cjuality?
4 Lena's mum bought her a new i-Pad for her birthday. Pm so jealous / jealousy.
5 | have no idea what Kevin is getting me for my birthday. It's a complete mystery / mysterious.
ó Complete the sentences wrth the correct forms of the words In brackets.
I don't go shopping with Leo. He gets very (anger) if he has to wait in a queue.
1 The new wedding dresses by Chanel are extremety
2 Customer_(loyal) is very important for us.
We want our customers to love us.
4 I just saw a man put a jumper in his bag without paying-