EwiPzj. ang

Gramatyka języka angielskiego

Tryb rozkazujący (Imperative)

Exercise 1. Mach phrases and make a correct sentences.

1) Open

a) the light!

2) Be Cjuiei or

b) touch my hair.

3) Switch on

c) smoking!

4) Don't forget to

d) I will lose my temper.

5) Lel's

e) do your ho me work.

6) Stop

f) here!

7) Put it

g) the window!

8) Please do not

h) hands off me!

9) You lakę your

i) nice Holiday!

10) Have a

j) go out.

Przyimkiczasuimiejsca (Prepositions of timeand place)

Exercise 2. Choose the correct word to complete this text.

„Cinema Paradiso”

The film is about/ to a little boy called Salvatore who ends up becoming a famous film director. For/ At the beginning of the film, he goes back/ in to his village for the firs tirne in thirty years, for the funeral of an old friend, Alfredo. The rest of the film is a „flashback” to/ about his childhood. On/ In his village there is only one cinema, called „Cinema Paradiso”. Salvatore is crazy for/ about films so he spends all his time there. He becomes friends by/ with Alfredo, the man who shows the films, and later he works as/in his assistant. But when he is a teenager he leaves the village and goes to/at work in/to Romę, and at/for the end he becomes a famous director. He never sees Alfredo again. You can watch this film in/at cinema during/ fromSunday.

Czasowniki posiłkowe (to be, to do, to have)

Exercise 3. Check the sentences. Some of them are incorrect, then you have to write in better form.




1) Warsaw are the Capital of Poland.

2) They are my best friends, Ann and Mary.

3) Has he been running for hours?

4) I have has a cup of coffee already.

5) People has to eat food to stay alive.

6) I have done delicious cake.

7) Does you need my help?


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