Training Requirements under Progressive Wagę Model for Security Industry (w.e.f. 1 Nov 2019)    T W





Security Officer (SO)


OuIIm: General Screeong, Guardrtg A PairoKng Asses* & Egress Control Babć inodent Response

[MANDATORY] Guard and Patrol (Provide Guard and Patrol Senrlces)

[MANDATORY] Incident Response (Handle Security Incidents and Services)

From 1 Jan 2020. secunty otficers will be reęuired to obtaui a third basie hcensing unit known as "Recognise Terronst Tbreats (RTT). Those who do not complete RTT training by t Jan 2020 twff stitl be abte to retain their teences. but can only be deptoyed at warehouses and condominiums unt/I they

(2 Basic Lcensng Unttl

coniplete RTT.

Senior Security Officer (SSO)


Dulles: InciOort Rosportso Manage Security & Sałaty Systems Rog ulało Tratftc (Road Trattic Ad); Mcrrtor CCTV Central Alarm / Fre Command Centre, Assrst Siale / AurcAary Pohce m Law Enforcomont. Koy Press Managamod

1.2 Mandatory CeddcaM Mcdutesi * 6 merths as an SO

[MANDATORY] Deterrence (Manage Disorderly Conduct and Threatening Behaviour) [MANDATORY] Access Control Management (Operate Basic Security Equlpment)

Security Supervisor (SS)


Duties: Inddert Management A Reportng; Droct Stperwsion. EieoJSe Evacua1on Plans A Eiercises

[MANDATORY] Guard and Patrol (Supenrlse Security Otticers)

[RECOMMENDEDj Security Risk Analysis (Assess andAddress Security Risks)

[RECOMMENDEDj Security Operation Compliance (Perlorm Supervtsory Duites withln Legał Framework)

1 . 1 Adranced Ucensng Unt A 2 Adranced Certftcate Modutesi . 1 year as an SSO

[RECOMMENDEDj Capability Development (Induct Secunty Personnei)

Senior Security Supervisor (SSS)


Duties: In-Charge <y CCTV Contrę < Central Alarm Monitor ng Centre i Fre Command Cenlre. Conduct Socurrty A Rok Assossmcrt. Ftghor Suponrsion

(.1 Mandatory A 3 Opbonal Adrancod Certrtcale moddos) * 1 year G morda as an SS

*An SSS has tho dooe to taks up these modutes 1 they have not donc so prevousiy

[MANDATORY] Manpower Planning (Monitor and Revlew Security Operatlons)

[RECOMMENDED) Manpower Planning (Conduct Operation Briefing and Debrieting)

[RECOMMENDED] Incident Response (Perlorm Monitoring and Reportmg Duties at Central Command Centro) [RECOMMENDED] Incident Response (Contnbute to the Management ot Secunty Incidents)

(RECOMMENDEDj Lead and Manage a Team oł Security Ofticers (304E)

[RECOMMENDEDJ Deploy Security Equipment (308E)

[RECOMMENDEDj Supervise Crowd and Traflic Control Activities (315E)

Chief Security Officer (CSO)

Outles: Sopemtspn Management; Form A Lead Security Walcu Group* Secunty A Conongency Plamng for Largo- Scalę Events

[MANDATORY] Security Operation Compliance (Manage Security Agency within Legał Framework)

[RECOMMENDEDj Ouality Assurance and Audit (Manage Security Operations)

[RECOMMENDEDj Capability Devełopment (Aclneve Work Ellectrvenes$ in Security Emrironment)

1 • 1 Mandatory A 2 Optionaf Orptoma Moddos) ♦ 2 years as an SSS

[RECOMMENDEDj Conflict Resolution Management (Manage and Resotve ContUct m Secunty Environment)

Notę: PWM is apphcable to alt resident security personnei (Singaporeans. PRs) under contracts ol serrice. Part time resident security personnei (i.e. those performing less than 35 hours ol work per week) shaN be paid accordmg to a pro rated PWM salary.

Updated on 01 Nov 2019

KIlIAtmiM    l»p«BrAMłf


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