INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING / PLACING |i rwjl p*blfc ofsnr]] |
DIVIDEND [drvndend] |
TENDER OFFER [ ton de ofej |
pkirwzzu oferta publiczna |
dywidenda |
przetargowa sprzudat papierów wartośdo wy di |
a proccss of starting a public company by imiting pcoplc to purchasc its shares |
the distribution of part of a contpanys earnings to its shareholdcrs. thus incrcasing sharcholdcr value |
offering stock or shares to the public through contpctitivc bidding |
CORPORATE RAIDER floparat rwde] |
INSIGHT [usait] |
HOSTILE TAKEOVER BID 1 hostai toikeov9 txd] |
drapezny. agresywny kwestor |
zroztmtenie. znajomość |
próba wrogiego przejęcia |
a person wito buys largc ponions of another contpanys stock to tako ovcr the company or forcc management to takc actions to imp rovc sharcholdcr valuc |
ability to understand sontething clcarly |
an attempt to takc contro! of a company by bidding for its shares in an action unwelcome to ntanagement or shareholdcrs |
SHAREHOLDER VALUE ffaabaotda va3iy ] |
TERMINOLOGY [to mi notedy] |
DYNAMICS [dai nasmfcs] |
wartość dla akqcnariusz |
erminafoępa |
dynamika |
a business approach which placcs the valuc of the invcstors stake in the company as the most intportant objcctivc |
the tcchnical words which arc uscd in a subjcct |
the way pcoplc or systems behavc and altcct cach other |
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