• - moment of speaking %X# % •# % • # |
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I drank milk yesterday.
subject * past verb (II form)
action In the past taking płaco once. never orseveral limes
Kitom taMog pon* afttr aoother
Ktion taking płace m th* wddle of onothar action
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1 drink lemonade every evening. | |
subject ♦ infinitive I |
■* s/es] |
action in the present taking place once, never or several times | |
facts | |
Kttom taking pUco on* after another Ktton by a rtmetable or schedul* |
w* |
je |
I will drink something delicious tomorrow night.
subject ♦ will ♦ lnflnltive
( )
I was drinking milk when a cat appeared.
subject ♦ was/were ♦ infinitive ♦ -ing
I am drinking lemonade right now.
subject ♦ am/is/are ♦ infinitive ♦ -mg
actlon In the past that is Interrupted byanotheraction
Ktton gt>ng on *t a e*»t*ln tim* in the past Kitom taking pUcc at thn tam* Urno
I fell asleep after I had drunk whole milk.
subject ♦ had ♦ past participle verb (III form)
action taking place before a certain time in the past
sometlme* intcrchangcaWe wiłh post perfect progres*** putting ainphrtttt only on the fart (r>ot thr duration)
I had been drinking milk for twenty minutes when mum came.
subject ♦ had been ♦ infinitive ♦ -ing
putting emphasis on the duration or course of an action
Ktton takrng place beforr a cer tam time m the pa\t sometimes mterchangeobl* with pas: perfect stropie
action taking place in the moment of speaking
ocłton taking ęA»ct onły fot a llmifcd pottod ot hmc Ktton arra^Hto lor ihe tutor*
will be drinking something delicious all night.
subject ♦ will be ♦ infinitive ♦ -ing
actlon that ls going on at a certaln timełn the futuro
•ci ton that K Mt to h«pp*n łn the near (ulu?e
I have drunk a lot of lemonade so that I am in a restroom right now.
subject + have/has ♦ past participle verb (III form)
I will have drunk every single drop by the end of tomorrow night.
subject ♦ will havc + past participle vcrb (III form)
finished action that has an influence on the present
action that will be finished at a certain time in the futurę
putting emphasU on the result
Ktton that ti stttl on
ki ton that stoppod recently
Ktton that has uonco. noet or se.wal ttmc* before the moment of ipeakmg
I have been drinking lemonade for two hours when she comes.
subject ♦ have/has been ♦ infinitive ♦ -ing
putting emphasis on the course or duration (not the result)
adton thai mentty stopped or k% um yołng on finished action that InKurnced the ^esent
I will have been drinking for six hours by the time Van Helsing comes.
subjccl ♦ will have been ♦ infinitive ♦ -ing
action taking place before a certain time In the futurę
puttino mrphasH on the coon* of on Ktton
Agata Siafran l rok Wjora<tw