European Accreditation of Englneering Programmes

EUR-ACE Master

This is to certify that the engineering dcgree programmc

Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn (Mechanics and Machinę Design)

Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska i Energetyki (Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering)

prmided by

Politechnika Śląska (Silesian University of Technology)

uccrcditcd by

Komisję Akredytacyjną Uczelni Technicznych (Accreditation Commission of Universities of Technology) on 2018    until 2023


Komisja Akredytacyjna

satisfies the criteria for Master dcgree programmes specified in the EUR-ACE* Framework Standard* for the Accreditation of Engineering Programmes, and thereforc for the abovc period of accreditation is designated as a


For the European

of Engineering Education (ENAEE)

E Network for Accreditation [WMT Uczelni Technicznych

The Prcsidcnt Mr. Damirn OWENS

The prcsidcnt

Prot Bohdan Marakow


Bruurlt. January 2019

Kraków, January 2019

A graduatr of this progratnme may define him/herseM “EUR-ACE* Bachełor/MMter* m appropnatr


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