August 31, 2006

Chapter 12 includes a generał mtroduction to MATLAB functions, selected topics m linear algebra with MATLAB, and a collection of finite element programs for trusses (Chapter 2), generał one-dnnensional problems (Chapter 5), heat conduction m 2D (Chapter 8) and elasticity m 2D (Chapter 9) This Chapter is published electromc format only for several reasons:

1    the data structure of the fimte element program will be penodically updated to reflect emerging fimte element technologies and MATLAB syntax changes,

2    to allow the course instructors to use their own MALAB or other fimte element codes

3    to create a forum where students and instructors would exchange ideas and place altemative fimte element program data structures The forum is hosted at

http //lcoursefem blogspot com/

12.1    Using MA TLAB for FEM1

12.1.1    The MATLAB Windows

Upon opening MATLAB you should see three Windows the workspace window, tlie command window, and the command history window as shown in Figurę 12 1 If you do not see these tliree Windows, or see morę than three Windows you can change the layout by clicking on the following menu selections View —» desktop layout —* default


May not be coveied m the class Recommended as independent leadmg


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