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CtiapMr 2 Umtar Fquauons and I-mowiUm* In Om Variat>t*

2.1 Linear Equations and Formulas


1    Sdv« Inear equatons in one


2    Identify *dentities and contradictions.

3    Sohee tormulas tor specified variables.

^ Leammg ^ Strategy

As suggostod in tho To tho Student sectłon on page xvlll. arrange your notebook wlth four sections: Notes. Homework. Study Sheets, and Practice Tests. Remember to use color in your notes: red tor definitions and blue for rules and procedures. Organization and cotor codmg wili help you locate mportant items faster.

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|1.4| 1. Tr.insl.jte to an cxprrssion. nine less th.in fivc limes a numbcr |1.4| 2. Eyjluate 1^ - 5*|;x = -3 I1.4| 3. Simplify. 2{3ni - 4) + 5{m ♦ 1)

InChaptcr 1, we reviewed rcal numbers and their propcrties and dcfincd constants, variables, cxpro*sions, cqu.itions, and incqualitics. We now move up the Algebra Pyraniid and considcr oquations Rocall thal an equation has an cqual sign

The Algebra Piframicł


Comtunb anJ V'uiiublrs

2.5.7 .x.y

Notę In thischapter,

* we cxploreoqu.il u ms

and inequalities; so we are at the top ot our Algebra Pyramld

An equation can be true or fatse For example, the equation 4 + 1 = 5 is łrue and tl*e equation 8 — 2 = 7 is false. lf an equation contains a variable for a missing numbcr, such as * + 3 = 9, our goal is to flnd ifcs solutionts) We can write those Solutions in a solution set

Definitions Solution: A number that makes an cquation true when it replaces the eariable in the equation.

Solution set A set contaimng all of the Solutions for a given equation.

Tor cxampJe. 6 is the solution to the equation x + 3 = 9 bccause rcplacing r with 6 makes the equatxm true

ar + 3 = 9


6 + 3 = 9 True

Notę By showing that the equatkin * * 3 ■ 9 is a true statement when a: is repłaced with 6, we have chccked that 6 is the solution for the 4 oquation

The solution set for this equation is {6}, or in sct-buildcr notation. {aja: = 6}. We fo-

Page 57 —>

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Question 11 (0/1)



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