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1 Sdv« Inear equatons in one
2 Identify *dentities and contradictions.
3 Sohee tormulas tor specified variables.
^ Leammg ^ Strategy
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|1.4| 1. Tr.insl.jte to an cxprrssion. nine less th.in fivc limes a numbcr |1.4| 2. Eyjluate 1^ - 5*|;x = -3 I1.4| 3. Simplify. 2{3ni - 4) + 5{m ♦ 1)
InChaptcr 1, we reviewed rcal numbers and their propcrties and dcfincd constants, variables, cxpro*sions, cqu.itions, and incqualitics. We now move up the Algebra Pyraniid and considcr oquations Rocall thal an equation has an cqual sign
Comtunb anJ V'uiiublrs
2.5.7 .x.y
Notę In thischapter,
* we cxploreoqu.il u ms
and inequalities; so we are at the top ot our Algebra Pyramld
An equation can be true or fatse For example, the equation 4 + 1 = 5 is łrue and tl*e equation 8 — 2 = 7 is false. lf an equation contains a variable for a missing numbcr, such as * + 3 = 9, our goal is to flnd ifcs solutionts) We can write those Solutions in a solution set
Definitions Solution: A number that makes an cquation true when it replaces the eariable in the equation.
Solution set A set contaimng all of the Solutions for a given equation.
Tor cxampJe. 6 is the solution to the equation x + 3 = 9 bccause rcplacing r with 6 makes the equatxm true
ar + 3 = 9
6 + 3 = 9 True
Notę By showing that the equatkin * * 3 ■ 9 is a true statement when a: is repłaced with 6, we have chccked that 6 is the solution for the 4 oquation
The solution set for this equation is {6}, or in sct-buildcr notation. {aja: = 6}. We fo-
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