always 1 novor 5 occasionally 4 often 3 usually 2
1 ofton 2 always 3 sometimos 4 occasionally
1 X 2X 3X 4/ &X 6/ 7X 8X 9/ 10X
1 At tłu* moment 2 sometimos 3 always 4 ovcry weekend
5 now (the lirst one) 6 sometimos
lc 2 e 3 d 4 a 6 d 6 b 7 d 8 a 9 cl 10 b 11 cl
1 Aro morę young |>eopl<* joining tłu* Scouts these days?
2 Paronts do not/dott) always understand tlioir chiklrcn's problems.
3 Siu* i.s not/isnt (lenni; a lot of work for clianty at the moment.
4 Tłu* c lub does not/doosn'1 have a wchsitc.
5 He is/He's happier now that ho knows moro people.
6 Aro you list<*tiing to tho concert?
7 I do not/don't support a political party.
8 She forgets tłio titne of tho meeting every woek./Kvory week she forgets tho tune of tho meeting.
9 We arc/WoYe waiting for the raili to stop lx>fore we go out.
10 lt is not/lfs not/lt isn't snowing at the moment.
1 spend 2 bolong 3 Do: go 4 anv“m doing 5 anVm spendittg •> do;belong 7 donVdo not like 8 prefer 9ls:growing lOamAn organising
1 works 2 builet 3 Hve 4 has 5 join 6 aro/*rc going 7 am/m saving 8 allows 9 amTin doing 10 am/*m leaniing 11 uin/m training
2łt 3 o 4 ft 5 a 6 c 7 b 8 i
1 l'm afraid I liave to disagree with you
2 1 agrec with you up to a |>osnt
3 has a good |>oint
4 that n\ay be tnie but
5 Ko way
6 YouVe got a point but
7 1 couldift agree rnore!
1 IV* terrible
2 1 prefer metal
3 tłu* colours are beaut ilul
4 It doesn*t ttuike any sense
1 D 2 A 3 B 4 E
1 myself 2 herself 3 themselves 4 yourself 5 thomselves 6 ourselvos 7 itself 8 tłiemselves
3y 7y *>s
1 hcrsdf 2 myself 3 llicmxclvi'S 4 youncolf 6lumsclf 6 oursclves 7 itsolf 8 voursolves 9 herself
1 herself 2 herself 3 himsclf 4 each other 5 him 6 himself 7 1 8 me 9 yourschrcs
1 C 2 B 3 F 4 I) 5 U
lc 2c 3a 4 c 6 d Cc 7a 8 c
1 fashion 2 noisy 3confusing 4 lazitiess 5 interest 6 trendy
1 trendy 2 nowy 3 fashion 4 lazy
1 Calm down 2 bump into 3 hangs around 4 fool around
1 ciiąue 2 fan club 3 trainers 4 bracelet 5 role model
6 district
1 c 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 c 6 c 7 a 8 c 9 c 10 ł> lic 12 c 13 a 14 b 15 a
1 rippod 2 denim 3earr mgs 4 tight 5 pat eh 6 top 7 tight
1 hang around 2 Hang on 3 hang on to 4 hang up 5 hangs over 6 łiang around 7 liang out with
ld 2b 3 c 4 b 6 a Gd 7c
1 ha\fc*/‘v<* lw*en doing
2 havc/\fe ł»ocn working
3 haven't/have not been sleeping
4 ha*A l>een gettmg
5 have (you) been working
6 havo/ve lioen trying
7 lia*A l>een taking
8 Have (you) ł>een thinking
9 have/ve been working
1 have arrested footballcr Burton
2 Kąty Swan łias won a top awarcl
3 has visited the stars blog
4 have not/luiven1 won the title
5 has introduced a video service