
Intemal Ref:

ReapientOrganisation- Name and contact details


Project forwh i di the Materials are su pplied

(Re*f ooScheOJc 1)

Materials to be su pplied

(Reńef ooSchedJc 1)



The \western Australian instMefor MedcaJ Research is thankedfor grantng its p&miss ton to substartiaty adopt the terms d its Materiał Transfer Ageemert.

The Reap)ert Organtsahon and the Reciperi Soertrsts named abo\e (the “RecipientS*) have requested The M master for Health who is incorporaed as the board of NA ME OF HOSPITAL, (ABN XXXXXXXXX) under s7 d the Hosptals and Heśth Semces Ac11927 (WA) and who has detegated afi af the pcv/ers andduties as sochio the Director General d Health. havng its address at (insert add/ess](“lnstitutiorf) to provrde certain matenals (the ‘Materials*) for i£e in the partcular project (the “Project) descnbed above. The Instrtutiai has agreed to suppły the Mćienafe on the folbwmg terms and condiions:

1.    In thB Agreement. Materials mcludes ary progeny. modficalion or mprovemerts to the Materials that the Reoperts daretop, drecty or mdrectły whie using the Materials suppbed by the Institutwn. As a condfton of receving the Matenals. the Recpents must pay the Trans rana! Fee speafied abcve m order to reimburse the Institilian fa its preparat >an and dstrbution costswithn 30 days of receipt of an mvoce fran the Insttutron.

2.    The Reapents wi use the Materials sole^ for ts intemal non-commercal bxmed)ca! research purposes in comecbon with the Project and must na use them for any products or for the generafcon of other products or processes for profl-makingor commercal purposes.

3.    The Materials may only be used strcty wita the corfmes d the Research Plan descnbed n


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